You can set up the WebShpere MQ Recovery Kit through the use of the LKCLI (Command Line Interface).

Creating/Extending/Configuring the WebShpere MQ resource from the Command Line

create mq

EXAMPLE: #lkcli resource create mq --tag <tag> --qmgr <queue manager name> --switchback <switchback type> --protect_listener <YES | NO> --channel <connection channel> --ip <IP tag>

Option Default Description
--qmgr <str> Name of the queue manager.
[--protect_listener <YES|NO>] YES Whether to protect the MQ listener associated with the queue manager.
[--channel <str>] SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Connection channel for the queue manager.
[--ip <str>] LifeKeeper IP resource tag protecting the listener IP address. The IP resource must be in-service on the server where the MQ resource is being created. The IP resource specified by this argument will become a child resource of the MQ resource.

extend mq

EXAMPLE: #lkcli resource extend mq --tag <tag> --dest <backup node> --switchback <switchback type> --template_prioity <priority> --target_priority <prority>

config mq

EXAMPLE: #lkcli resource config mq --tag <tag> --protect_listener <YES | NO> --test_queue <name of the test queue> --log_level <ERROR | INFORMATION | DEBUG | FINE> --immediate_stop_timeout <seconds> --preemptive_stop_timeout <seconds> --channel <connection channel> --cmd_server_protection <Full | Minimal>

Option Default Description
[--protect_listener <YES|NO>] Whether to protect the MQ listener associated with the queue manager. This parameter may only be changed on the server where the MQ resource is in-service (ISP).
[--test_queue <str>] The name of the test queue for the LifeKeeper MQ Recovery Kit to use when performing PUT/GET health checks. The value may be set to an empty string (i.e., --test_queue “”) to disable PUT/GET tests.
[--log_level <ERROR|INFORMATIONAL|DEBUG|FINE>] The logging level for the MQ resource.
[--immediate_stop_timeout <str>] The timeout value (in seconds) to be used when attempting an immediate stop of the queue manager.
[--preemptive_stop_timeout <str>] The timeout value (in seconds) to be used when attempting a preemptive stop of the queue manager.
[--channel <str>] The connection channel for the queue manager. This parameter may only be changed on the server where the MQ resource is in-service (ISP).
[--cmd_server_protection <Full|Minimal>] The protection level for the MQ command server.



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