You can set up Recovery Kit Oracle Cloud Infrastructure through the use of the LKCLI (Command Line Interface).
Creating/Extending/Configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource from the Command Line
create ocivip
EXAMPLE: #lkcli resource create ocivip --tag <tag> --ipaddr <IP address> --device <network interface name> --switchback <switchback type>
Option | Default | Description |
--ipaddr <str> | None | Specify the secondary private IP address. The IP address specified here is assigned to the VNIC. |
--device <str> | None | Specify the name of the network interface to which the IP address is assigned. |
extend ocivip
EXAMPLE: #lkcli resource extend ocivip --tag <tag> --dest <backup node> --device <network interface name on target> --switchback <switchback type> --template_prioity <priority> --target_priority <prority>
Option | Default | Description |
--device <str> | Network interface name specified on the source node | Specifies the network interface name to which the IP address is assigned on the extended node. |
config ocivip
Nothing to configure.