See the Configuring LifeKeeper section of the DRBD Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more information.

create drbd

Option Default Description
--device <str> Source disk or partition.
--fstype <str> File system type.
Only the file system types supported by LifeKeeper can be specified.
--mount_point <str> New mount point for new file system. Mount point can not be mounted and must be empty.
[--fstag <str>] mount_point Tag name of the file system resource. Optional.

extend drbd

Option Default Description
--device <str> Target disk or partition that is the same size or larger than the source disk.
--mode <str> Replication type: “asynchronous”, “memory synchronous”, “synchronous”
--laddr <str> Local IP address (*1)
--raddr <str> Remote IP address.
[--fstag <str>] Tag name of the file system resource. Optional. Only the DRBD resource will be extended if not provided.
[--other_hosts …] Required when extending > 2 targets.

EXAMPLE: #lkcli resource extend drbd --tag <tag> --dest <target hostname> --mode <asynchronous|”memory synchronous”|asynchronous> --laddr <local IP address> --raddr <remote IP address> --switchback <switchback type> --template_priority <priority> --target_priority <priority> --device <target disk> --fstag <target fs tag>

(*1) Local and Remote IP addresses must be configured as a LifeKeeper communication path.

When extending to a 3rd node the connection between each host in the configuration must be defined.

Option Description
--other_hosts "<other sys>,<endpoints>,<mode>" <other sys> is the host name of another target in the LifeKeeper resource.
<endpoints> is a communication path between the new target host and <other sys>
<mode> is asynchronous, “memory synchronous” or synchronous

EXAMPLE: In a configuration where DRBD resource “drbd-lk0” is configured on 2 systems, system_A ( and system_B ( The hierarchy is in-service on system_A and is being extended to system_C ( where replication between System_A and System_C will be “memory synchronization” and replication between System_B and System_C will be “asynchronous”.

#lkcli resource extend drbd --tag drbd-lk0 --dest system_C --mode “memory synchronous” --laddr --raddr --switchback INTELLIGENT --template_priority 1 --target_priority 20 --device /dev/sdc1 --fstag /test_lk0 –other_hosts "system_B,,asychronous"

config drbd

No options. Use ‘lkcli drbd options’ to modify throttle settings.


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