Clicking the Sign-in status menu item in the Server section of the left menu will display the authentication status for the current user on each server in the LifeKeeper cluster.

The Sign-in status page displays the following information for each server in the LifeKeeper cluster.

  • Server - Server name.
  • User - Name of the user being used for authentication on the server.
  • Permissions - Permission level of the authenticated user on the server (Guest, Operator, or Administrator).
  • Expiry - The date and time when the user’s authentication token for the server will expire. The user will be required to sign into the server again when the token expires.
  • Authentication - Current authentication status of the user. The possible values are:
    • Authenticated - The user has been successfully authenticated to make API requests to the server.
    • Unauthenticated - The user has not been successfully authenticated on the server. Successful authentication is required before API requests can be made to the server.
    • Expired - The user’s authentication token has expired. Re-authentication is required before API requests can be made to the server.
    • Signing in… - The authentication process is in progress.


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