To install or upgrade LKSSP, follow the steps below.
How the Setup Scripts Works
- Interactive installation
Configure and install LifeKeeper from the menu.
If you save the configuration information at this time, it can be used for the non-interactive installation described below.
- Non-interactive installation
Install LifeKeeper using the saved configuration information.
Since no inquiry to the user occurs, you can perform this using a building tool (e.g. Ansible).
How in Install / Upgrade LKSSP Using the Setup Script
Interactive Installation
- After logging in as the root user, use the following command to mount the lkssp.img file:
mount <PATH/IMAGE_NAME> <MOUNT_POINT> -t iso9660 -o loop
Where PATH is the path to the image
IMAGE_NAME is the name of the image
MOUNT_POINT is the path to mount location
- Change to the directory where lkssp.img is mounted and enter the following:
./setup [-s <response_file>]
When the -s option is specified, you can save your configuration information in the response_file, which is used for a non-interactive installation.
The following are alternate commands for mount and setup:
Mount Image: mount -o loop <PATH/IMAGE_NAME> /mnt/ Run Setup: /mnt/setup |
- The script collects information about the system environment and determines what you need to do to install LKSSP.
If the system requirements for installation or upgrade are not satisfied, then an error message is displayed and the installation / upgrade is cancelled.
Also, if some restrictions arise or a configuration change is required, a warning message will be displayed requiring the user to decide whether to continue or abort the installation.
- Select the LKSSP features and Application Recovery Kits (ARKs) to install via the main dialog screen.
Please refer to How to Use the Dialog Screen.
- Once all the required LKSSP features and ARKs have been selected, select <Done> to begin the installation.
If any notifications are output when the installation completes, please take the necessary actions to correct them.
Non-interactive Installation
- After logging in as root user, use the following command to mount the lkssp.img file:
mount <PATH/IMAGE_NAME> <MOUNT_POINT> -t iso9660 -o loop
PATH is the path to the image
IMAGE_NAME is the name of the image
MOUNT_POINT is the path to mount location
- After copying the configuration file to the system where you want to install LifeKeeper, run the following command:
./setup -f <response_file> -q y
The “-q y” option responds to prompts during silent install with “yes”.
Creating the Configuration Information
The configuration information file used for non-interactive installation can be created during setup with setup -s <response_file> or created in advance with the create_response_file script.
- After logging in as root user, run the following command to mount the lkssp.img file:
mount <PATH/IMAGE_NAME> <MOUNT_POINT> -t iso9660 -o loop
PATH is the path to the image
IMAGE_NAME is the name of the image
MOUNT_POINT is the path to mount location
- Change to the directory where lkssp.img is mounted and enter the following:
./create_response_file <response_file>
- Select the LifeKeeper features and Application Recovery Kits (ARKs) to install via the main dialog screen.
Please refer to How to Use the Dialog Screen.
- Select the LIfeKeeper features and Application Recovery Kits (ARKs) to install, select Done to save the configuration to response_file and exit the script. The response_file is copied to the destination system.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 to change the saved configuration information.
How to Use the Dialog Screen
The dialog screen is displayed below.
Use the following keys to navigate the menu.
↑ ↓ | Navigate between menu items |
← → | Navigate between the menu buttons at the bottom of the screen |
ENTER | Open the selected sub menu |
Y / N / ENTER / SPACE | Turn on, turn off or invert the selected item |
The menu buttons at the bottom of the screen are used for the following operations.
Select | Opens a sub menu dialog screen |
Done | Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen. Selecting this button on the main screen completes the configuration. |
Help | Displays help for the highlighted item |
Save | Saves the current settings in a configuration file. The saved configuration file can be used for non-interactive installations. The full path to the file where the configuration information is to be saved should be specified. (Disabled for create_response_file) |
Load | Loads a saved configuration file (Disabled for create_response_file) |
The “Save” and “Load” menu buttons display a dialog screen asking for a configuration file name for use in saving the current configuration or for loading a saved configuration. If you want to change the default file name provided, move to the file name field using the [TAB] key, and enter a new name. Note: The “Save” operation will prompt for confirmation before overwriting a file with the same name.
The items listed below are configurable during installation. During an upgrade only items that can be configured are listed. Using the hotkey <Z> will show those items that will remain unchanged during the upgrade.
- Server Environment (selected value)
- Select the server environment. The behavior of the installer and some ARKs may differ depending on the environment selected here.
- Certain ARKs are displayed/not displayed on the ARK installation screen depending on the platform.
- LK_SERV_ENV is added to /etc/default/LifeKeeper. This environment variable changes the behavior of some ARKs. See the Parameters List for details.
- Select the server environment. The behavior of the installer and some ARKs may differ depending on the environment selected here.
- Install Java Runtime (JRE)
Install the Java runtime environment used by the LifeKeeper GUI.
- Restart NFS Service
When configuring High Availability NFS, restarting the NFS services is required. When this is selected, the services are restarted automatically after the configuration is completed.
Note: If you do not want to restart the NFS services automatically, a restart will need to be done to pick up the configuration changes before using the NFS Recovery Kit.
- Use Quorum / Witness Functions
Use Quorum / Witness for I/O fencing. For details, please refer to Quorum/Witness in the technical documentation.
- LifeKeeper Authentication
Specify the users allowed to log in to the LKSSP for Linux GUI along with their privilege levels. Multiple user accounts can be specified by separating them with blanks. For details, refer to GUI User Settings.
- Install License Key File(s)
Install the licenses required to start LKSSP for Linux by entering the path name of the license file to install. Multiple files can be specified by separating them with spaces.
Please refer to Licensing for details.
- Recovery Kit Selection
Select the Application Recovery Kits to install.
Application Recovery Kits are broken into several categories based on common functionality.
Please refer to Categories for Application Recovery Kits for details.
- LifeKeeper Startup After Install
When selected, LKSSP for Linux will be started when the installation is completed.
Adding / Removing Application Recovery Kits
To add Application Recovery Kits after completing an installation, simply execute setup, select the Recovery Kit in the Recovery Kit Selection, followed by the Application Recovery Kit Category and then select the desired kit.If you deselect an Application Recovery Kit which is no longer necessary, that kit will be removed. However, since the kit cannot be removed for the resources in use, delete the resources in advance.
Repair Installation
To repair an SSP for Linux installation run setup with the “—force” option. A repair installation will update the installation replacing any lost or corrupted files.
setup Script Options
The setup script can be executed with the following options:
- -f <response_file>
Install non-interactively. <response_file> contains the configuration information to use during the installation.
- -s <response_file>
Save a configuration file containing your menu selections. This file can then be used with the “-f” option to install the same LifeKeeper configuration to another system. For example, run:
setup -s <response_file>
Select the necessary packages and options and complete setup.
Then run:
setup -f <response_file> -q y
to run a silent installation of LifeKeeper (on another system) with the same options that were selected the first time setup was run.
- —force
Forcibly reinstall SSP for Linux.
- -q <y/n>
Specifies the response to any confirmation questions that may arise during non-interactive installation.
Categories for Application Recovery Kits
Category | Description |
Application Suite | A group of recovery kits that protect applications such as SAP and IBM MQ. |
Networking | A group of recovery kits that protect network services in the cloud such as EC2 and Route53. |
Database | A group of recovery kits that protect database applications, including, but not limited to, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MaxDB. |
File Sharing | A group of recovery kits that protect file sharing services such as NFS. |
Mail Server | A group of recovery kits that protect email services. |
Storage | A group of recovery kits that protect data storage methods, including, but not limited to, DataKeeper (replication), Device Mapper (DM) Multipath (DMMP), and Network Attached Storage (NAS). |
Web Server | A group of recovery kits that protect web services such as Apache. |
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