The following open source packages are included in the LifeKeeper installation image.

Name Version License Type and Version
libcurl 8.5.0 curl
lighttpd 1.4.71 BSD-3-Clause
openssl 3.1.1 Apache-2.0
pcre 4.5 PCRE
pdksh 5.2.14 Public Domain and GPL
perl (IMPORTANT: Starting in LifeKeeper for Linux v9.8.0 the perl version that is included has been upgraded to Perl 5.32.1 which may require changes to custom perl code. Refer to Perl 5.8.8 to Perl 5.32.1 Upgrade for details.) 5.32.1 GPL-1.0-or-later or Artistic-1.0-Perl
powercli 13.0.0 various license
powershell 7.2.10 MIT
runit 2.0.0 BSD-3-Clause
util-linux 2.31.1 GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD with advertising and Public Domain 4.1.615 Apache-2.0 4.1.615 Apache-2.0
libdrbd-perl 0.3.0 Apache-2.0
openjdk 12.0.2 GPL-2.0-or-later
kconfig-frontends 4.11.0 GPL-2.0-only
libxcrypt 4.4.23 LGPLv2+ and BSD and Public Domain and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and FSF All Permissive License
ping BSD-4-Clause
zlib-static 1.2.7 Zlib
Perl Config::IniFiles (CPAN module) 2.27 GPL/Artistic (Same as Perl)
mdadm 3.2.6 GPL-2.0-or-later
balance 3.54 GPL-2.0-only
nbd-client 1.0 GPL
nbd-server 1.3 GPL
nbd (kernel module) 2.6.32
raid1 (kernel module) 2.6.32
drbd-utils 9.28.0 GPLv2+
drbd kernel 9.2.10 GPLv2+

Perl Addon Packages

Name Version License Type and Version
Symbol 1.08 GPL+ or Artistic
English 1.11 GPL+ or Artistic
sigtrap 1.09 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Compare 1.100.600 GPL+ or Artistic
Class-Struct 0.66 GPL+ or Artistic
sort 2.04 GPL+ or Artistic
I18N-Collate 1.02 GPL+ or Artistic
DBM_Filter 0.06 GPL+ or Artistic
Thread 3.05 GPL+ or Artistic
Devel-SelfStubber 1.06 GPL+ or Artistic
base 2.27 GPL+ or Artistic
mro 1.23 GPL+ or Artistic
Tie-RefHash 1.39 GPL+ or Artistic
Text-Tabs+Wrap 2013.0523 TTWL
ExtUtils-ParseXS 3.40 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Html 1.25 GPL+ or Artistic
ExtUtils-Install 2.14 GPL+ or Artistic
Math-BigRat 0.2614 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Perldoc 3.28.01 GPL+ or Artistic
FileHandle 2.03 GPL+ or Artistic
ExtUtils-MM-Utils 7.44 GPL+ or Artistic
ph 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
Data-Dumper 2.174 GPL+ or Artistic
locale 1.09 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Copy 2.34 GPL+ or Artistic
Devel-Peek 1.28 GPL+ or Artistic
Unicode-Normalize 1.27 GPL+ or Artistic
Unicode-UCD 0.75 GPL+ or Artistic
Math-Complex 1.59 GPL+ or Artistic
Perl-OSType 1.010 GPL+ or Artistic
Env 1.04 GPL+ or Artistic
Sys-Hostname 1.23 GPL+ or Artistic
IO-Socket-IP 0.39 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Find 1.37 GPL+ or Artistic
Params-Check 0.38 GPL+ or Artistic
IPC-SysV 2.07 GPL+ or Artistic
ExtUtils-Constant 0.25 GPL+ or Artistic
Text-Balanced 2.03 GPL+ or Artistic
Term-Complete 1.403 GPL+ or Artistic
Dumpvalue 2.27 GPL+ or Artistic
Archive-Tar 2.36 GPL+ or Artistic
libnet 3.11 (GPL+ or Artistic) and Artistic
Module-Metadata 1.000037 GPL+ or Artistic
autouse 1.11 GPL+ or Artistic
I18N-LangTags 0.44 GPL+ or Artistic
Storable 3.21 GPL+ or Artistic
CPAN-Meta-Requirements 2.140 GPL+ or Artistic
Test 1.31 GPL+ or Artistic
File-DosGlob 1.12 GPL+ or Artistic
Module-Load 0.34 GPL+ or Artistic
Tie-File 1.06 GPLv2+ or Artistic
open 1.12 GPL+ or Artistic
less 0.03 GPL+ or Artistic
Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.093 (GPL+ or Artistic) and zlib
I18N-Langinfo 0.19 GPL+ or Artistic
if 0.60.800 GPL+ or Artistic
Time-Local 1.280 GPL+ or Artistic
Time-Piece 1.3401 (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD
overload 1.31 GPL+ or Artistic
SelectSaver 1.02 GPL+ or Artistic
Module-CoreList 5.20210123 GPL+ or Artistic
Tie 4.6 GPL+ or Artistic
Benchmark 1.23 GPL+ or Artistic
debugger 1.56 GPL+ or Artistic
IO 1.43 GPL+ or Artistic
Locale-Maketext-Simple 0.21 MIT
Time 1.03 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Basename 2.85 GPL+ or Artistic
Config-Perl-V 0.32 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Escapes 1.07 GPL+ or Artistic
ExtUtils-Command 7.44 GPL+ or Artistic
IO-Zlib 1.10 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Temp 0.230.900 GPL+ or Artistic
Memoize 1.03 GPL+ or Artistic
Getopt-Long 2.51 GPLv2+ or Artistic
Digest 1.17 GPL+ or Artistic
encoding 3.00 GPL+ or Artistic
libnetcfg 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
CPAN-Meta-YAML 0.018 GPL+ or Artistic
Math-BigInt-FastCalc 0.500.900 GPL+ or Artistic
FileCache 1.10 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Checker 1.73 GPL+ or Artistic
Safe 2.41 GPL+ or Artistic
Net-Ping 2.72 GPL+ or Artistic
JSON-PP 4.04 GPL+ or Artistic
Carp 1.50 GPL+ or Artistic
interpreter 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
api-libs 5.32.1 Various
encoding-warnings 0.13 GPL+ or Artistic
meta-notation 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
Scalar-List-Utils 1.55 GPL+ or Artistic
addons 5.32.1 Various
Errno 1.30 GPL+ or Artistic
Fcntl 1.13 GPL+ or Artistic
doc 5.32.1 (GPL+ or Artistic) and UCD and Public Domain
Search-Dict 1.07 GPL+ or Artistic
PathTools 3.78 (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD
POSIX 1.94 GPL+ or Artistic
IPC-Open3 1.21 GPL+ or Artistic
Term-ANSIColor 5.01 GPL+ or Artistic
User-pwent 1.03 GPL+ or Artistic
Attribute-Handlers 1.01 GPL+ or Artistic
DynaLoader 1.47 GPL+ or Artistic
perlfaq 5.20200523 (GPL+ or Artistic) and Public Domain
threads 2.25 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Functions 1.13 GPL+ or Artistic
Config-Extensions 0.03 GPL+ or Artistic
version 0.99.24 GPL+ or Artistic
Thread-Semaphore 2.13 GPL+ or Artistic
Thread-Queue 3.14 GPL+ or Artistic
blib 1.07 GPL+ or Artistic
HTTP-Tiny 0.076 GPL+ or Artistic
Unicode-Collate 1.27 (GPL+ or Artistic) and Unicode
FindBin 1.51 GPL+ or Artistic
macros 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
Sys-Syslog 0.36 GPL+ or Artistic
autodie 2.32 GPL+ or Artistic
PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint 0.08 GPL+ or Artistic
diagnostics 1.37 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Path 2.16 GPL+ or Artistic
Test-Harness 3.42 GPL+ or Artistic
Digest-MD5 2.55 (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD
IO-Compress 2.093 GPL+ or Artistic
Encode 3.06 (GPL+ or Artistic) and Artistic 2.0 and UCD
ExtUtils-MakeMaker 7.44 GPL+ or Artistic
B 1.80 GPL+ or Artistic
bignum 0.51 GPL+ or Artistic
deprecate 0.04 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Usage 1.69 GPL+ or Artistic
Opcode 1.48 GPL+ or Artistic
File-Fetch 0.56 GPL+ or Artistic
IPC-Cmd 1.04 GPL+ or Artistic
Exporter 5.74 GPL+ or Artistic
tests 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
filetest 1.03 GPL+ or Artistic
constant 1.33 GPL+ or Artistic
Text-ParseWords 3.30 GPL+ or Artistic
Tie-Memoize 1.1 GPLv2+ or Artistic
Term-ReadLine 1.17 GPL+ or Artistic
Compress-Raw-Bzip2 2.093 GPL+ or Artistic
Hash-Util-FieldHash 1.20 GPL+ or Artistic
Net 1.02 GPL+ or Artistic
File-stat 1.09 GPL+ or Artistic
Time-HiRes 1.9764 GPL+ or Artistic
AutoLoader 5.74 GPL+ or Artistic
DirHandle 1.05 GPL+ or Artistic
Socket 2.029 GPL+ or Artistic
ExtUtils-Manifest 1.72 GPL+ or Artistic
Devel-PPPort 3.57 GPL+ or Artistic
MIME-Base64 3.15 (GPL+ or Artistic) and MIT
Test-Simple 1.302175 (GPL+ or Artistic) and CC0 and Public Domain
Filter-Simple 0.96 GPL+ or Artistic
vars 1.05 GPL+ or Artistic
utils 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
Module-CoreList-tools 5.20210123 GPL+ or Artistic
subs 1.03 GPL+ or Artistic
Module-Load-Conditional 0.70 GPL+ or Artistic
debuginfo 5.32.1 GPL+ or Artistic
Text-Abbrev 1.02 GPL+ or Artistic
CPAN-Meta 2.150010 GPL+ or Artistic
Getopt-Std 1.12 GPL+ or Artistic
Hash-Util 0.23 GPL+ or Artistic
Locale-Maketext 1.29 GPL+ or Artistic
overloading 0.02 GPL+ or Artistic
parent 0.238 GPL+ or Artistic
NEXT 0.67 GPL+ or Artistic
experimental 0.020 GPL+ or Artistic
threads-shared 1.61 GPL+ or Artistic
SelfLoader 1.26 GPL+ or Artistic
lib 0.65 GPL+ or Artistic
vmsish 1.04 GPL+ or Artistic
Term-Cap 1.17 GPL+ or Artistic
AutoSplit 5.74 GPL+ or Artistic
Digest-SHA 6.02 GPL+ or Artistic
Pod-Simple 3.40 GPL+ or Artistic
Module-Loaded 0.08 GPL+ or Artistic
Math-BigInt 1.9998.18 GPL+ or Artistic
podlators 4.14 (GPL+ or Artistic) and MIT
CPAN 2.27 GPL+ or Artistic
libs 5.32.1 (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD and HSRL and MIT and UCD and Public domain
fields 2.27 GPL+ or Artistic
Filter 1.59 GPL+ or Artistic


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