This document describes how to set up LifeKeeper to use Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP can be accessed via the iSCSI protocol or NFS as a shared disk from LifeKeeper. By configuring a multi-AZ, it ensures availability even if one of the Availability Zones (AZ) goes down.
When using this for the iSCSI protocol, multipath should be configured for endpoints created for each AZ, and LifeKeeper uses it with the Device Mapper (DM) Multipath Recovery Kit. When accessing via NFS, a route table to the NFS endpoint is configured for each AZ, and the NAS Recovery Kit is used.

Installing LifeKeeper

  1. If used with the iSCSI protocol, add the Device Mapper (DM) Multipath Recovery Kit, or if access is via NFS, add the NAS Recovery Kit to each cluster node.
  2. When using the Device Mapper (DM) Multipath Recovery Kit, set RESERVATIONS=none in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to turn off SCSI reservations.
  3. (Option) Set up STONITH according to the “STONITH in AWS Environment” at
  4. To prevent split-brain, install Quorum/Witness. Considering the AZ where the cluster nodes and ONTAP are located, configure it in a different location as described in the Quorum/Witness Cluster Recommendations in AWS.

Creating an FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system

  1. Select Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP from the AWS FSx menu and create a file system.
  2. Select a Standard create option. Supplementary information is provided below:
    • For Deployment type choose Multi-AZ. Note: Single AZ configuration is not supported.
    • The Preferred subnet and the Standby subnet are assigned to the subnets allocated to each AZ. An iSCSI endpoint is created here.
    • In VPC route tables, NFS access points are created. If you are using a route table other than the main route table, select one or more VPC route tables.
    • Other fields are optional.

When used with the iSCSI protocol
Follow the steps outlined above to configure iSCSI for ONTAP. The explanation here assumes the following values ​​on RHEL 8.10.

Management endpoint DNS name
Management endpoint IP address
bc. Management DNS name
iSCSI DNS name
Management IP address
iSCSI IP address,

Install the iSCSI packages on each cluster node.

At this time, check the initiator name.

# dnf install device-mapper-multipath iscsi-initiator-utils
# mpathconf --enable --with_multipathd y
# systemctl restart iscsid
# cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi

Log in to the ONTAP File System management server

Execute lun create and lun igroup create, specifying the initiator name of each cluster node with the -initiator option.

# ssh
::> lun create -vserver fsx -path /vol/vol1_l/lun_001 -size 1G -ostype linux -space-allocation enabled
::> lun show
Vserver   Path                            State   Mapped   Type        Size
--------- ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- --------
fsx       /vol/vol1_l/lun_001               online  unmapped linux         1GB
::> lun igroup create -vserver fsx -igroup igroup_001_l -initiator, -protocol iscsi -ostype linux
::> lun igroup show
Vserver   Igroup       Protocol OS Type  Initiators
--------- ------------ -------- -------- ------------------------------------
fsx       igroup_001_l   iscsi    linux

With lun mapping, ensure that igroup_001_1 has access to lun 001.

::> lun mapping create -vserver fsx -path /vol/vol1_l/lun_001 -igroup igroup_001_l -lun-id 001
::> lun show -path /vol/vol1_l/lun_001
Vserver   Path                            State   Mapped   Type        Size
--------- ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- --------
fsx       /vol/vol1_l/lun_001               online  mapped   linux         1GB
::> network interface show -vserver fsx
            Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
            iscsi_1      up/up      FsxId0212ef1b4803190af-01 
                                                                   e0e     true
            iscsi_2      up/up      FsxId0212ef1b4803190af-02
                                                                   e0e     true
                         up/up    FsxId0212ef1b4803190af-01 
                                                                   e0e     true
2 entries were displayed.
::> exit

Configure iSCSI on each cluster node

# iscsiadm --mode discovery --op update --type sendtargets --portal,1032,1031
# Option for the session 8.
# iscsiadm --mode node -T --op update -n node.session.nr_sessions -v 8
# iscsiadm --mode node -T --login
# multipath -ll

Primary Node

# parted /dev/mapper/3600XXXX --script 'mklabel gpt quit'
# parted /dev/mapper/3600XXXX --script 'mkpart Disk1_part1 0% 100% print quit'

Make the partition visible on the backup node.

# parted /dev/mapper/3600XXXX --script 'print quit'

Mount it to /disk1 on the primary node.

# mkdir -p /disk1
# mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/3600XXXX; mount /dev/mapper/3600XXXX /disk1

Create a file system resource.

# lkcli resource create fs --tag /disk1 --mountpoint /disk1
# lkcli resource extend fs --tag /disk1 --dest <BackUp server>

When using via NFS
Follow the steps outlined above to configure iSCSI for ONTAP. The explanation here assumes the following values ​​on RHEL 8.10.

NFS DNS name
NFS IP address

Create a shared directory /nfs1 in the ONTAP file system.

# mount -t nfs /mnt
# mkdir /nfs1 /mnt/nfs1
# umount /mnt

Create a file system resource on the primary node.

# mount -t nfs /nfs1
# lkcli resource create fs --tag /nfs1 --mountpoint /nfs1
# lkcli resource extend fs --tag /nfs1 --dest <BackUp server>


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