Error Number
Error Message
109001 Usage: "valid_cf"CfgPath CfgName TemplateSys The valid_cf script requires three arguments, the directory containing the configuration file, the name of the configuration file and the name of the template system on which to validate the configuration file. You must specify all three.
109002 Must specify an absolute path to the "smb.conf" configuration file. You must specify the absolute path to the configuration file when running the scripts choice_cf and valid_cf.
109003 The file "smb.conf" does not exist in "/etc". You must specify the correct path to the configuration file when running valid_cf to validate the select configuration file.
109004 The path "/export/fs" in "/etc/samba/smb.conf" does not reside on a shared file system. The Samba configuration shares must contain a path directive that can be protected by LifeKeeper via a File System resource. Edit the configuration file and change the path to a file system that LifeKeeper can protect.
109005 Usage: "choices_cf" CfgFile The choice_cf script requires the full path to an existing configuration file. Please specify the correct path.
109006 Samba Configuration file not specified. No configuration file was specified for the creation of the Samba resource hierarchy.

Cannot bring hierarchy "Samba-smb.conf" in service on server "ServerA".

Action: After correcting the problem, try bringing the hierarchy in service manually.

The in service attempt at the end of creation failed. View the log file for possible reason for the failure.
109010 The Samba configuration file does not have the interfaces directive defined. This directive is required to create Samba File Share hierarchies. The configuration file is missing the interfaces directive or the directive does not contain any IP addresses other than the localhost (
109011 The Samba configuration file does not have a correctly formatted interfaces directive. The interfaces directive must be in full dotted decimal IP address format with or without the mask parameter. The interfaces directive must contain one or more IP addresses in the format of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd or aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/mask separated by a space.
109012 The Samba configuration file section "FileShare1" does not have a path directive defined. All Samba shares must have a path directive. The specified share in the configuration file does not have a path directive or the directive does not contain a value.

No IP resources defined on server "ServerA".

Action: Create IP resources for the IP addresses defined in the Samba configuration file interfaces directive.

The specified server does not contain any LifeKeeper protected IP resources needed for the creation of the Samba resource hierarchy.

The IP(s) "," defined in the interfaces directive are not under LifeKeeper protection.

Action: Create IP resources for the unprotected addresses defined in the Samba configuration file interfaces directive.

LifeKeeper protected IP resources must exist for all of the IP addresses listed in the interfaces directive. Those listed are not protected by LifeKeeper.
109017 Missing configuration file name. No configuration file exists when attempting to run testparm during Samba resource creation.
109018 No Samba shares found in "/etc/samba/smb.conf". The Samba configuration specified for the resource must contain at least one file or print share.
109020 Bad configuration file. No section information found in the file "/tmp/smb.ini.1234". The Samba configuration specified for the resource must contain at least one file or print share.
109021 Creation of Samba hierarchy with tag "Samba-smb.conf" on server "ServerA" failed. The create of the Samba hierarchy failed. Examine the other error messages to determine the cause of the failure.
109023 The file system resource "filesys1328" is not in-service on server "ServerA". The File System resource needed as a dependent child in the Samba hierarchy is not in service on the template server. Bring the resource in service and retry the resource creation.

Selected IP resource "ip-" does not exist on server "ServerA".

Action: Retry the operation.

The specified IP resource tag no longer exists and is needed for the creation of the Samba hierarchy. Recreate the IP resource and retry the resource creation.
109025 LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the Samba hierarchy "Samba-smb.conf" and the IP resource "ip-" on server "ServerA". The dependency creation attempt between the Samba resource and the IP resource failed. Examine the other messages to determine the cause of the failure.

The Samba configuration file does not have a netbios name directive defined.

Action: Add a netbios name directive in the global section of the configuration file.

All configuration files must contain a NetBIOS name. Add a NetBIOS name directive to the configuration file.
109029 The Samba configuration file "%s" directive defines a directory that does not exist. The %s can contain pid directory,lock dir, or lock directory. All configuration files must contain an existing directory as specified by the directive. Add the missing directory.

The Samba directive "bind interfaces only" must be set to "Yes".

Action: Change "bind interfaces only" to "Yes" and recreate the hierarchy.

All configuration files must have the “bind interfaces only” directive set to Yes. Correctly set the directive to Yes.

Selected Printer resource "lp-admin" does not exist on server "ServerA".

Action: Retry the operation.

The specified Print Services resource tag no longer exists and is needed for the creation of the Samba hierarchy. Recreate the Print Services resource and retry the resource creation.
109037 LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the Samba hierarchy "Samba-smb.conf" and the Printer resource "lp-admin" on server "ServerA". The dependency creation attempt between the Samba resource and the Print Services resource failed. Examine the other messages to determine the cause of the failure.

The Printers(s) "lpadmin" defined in the configuration file are not under LifeKeeper protection.

Action: Create Printer instances for the unprotected printers defined in the Samba configuration file.

LifeKeeper protected Print Services resources must exist for all of the printers defined in the configuration file. Those listed are not LifeKeeper protected.

The selected configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf" is in use by Samba resource "Samba-smb.conf".


The selected netbios name "LKServer" is in use by Samba resource "Samba-smb.conf".

A Samba configuration file or netbios name can only be protected once in the cluster. Rename the configuration file or select a new NetBIOS name.


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