Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.

Code Severity Message Cause/Action
122500 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the create operation.

Action: Verify the parameters are correct and retry the operation.

122501 ERROR DB instance "%s" is already protected on "%s".

Cause: An attempt was made to protect an Oracle database instance {sid} that is already under LifeKeeper protection on {server}.

Action: You must select a different database instance {sid} for LifeKeeper protection.

122502 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122503 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The oratab file was not found at the default or alternate locations on {server}.

Action: Verify the oratab file exists and has proper permissions for the Oracle user. A valid oratab file is required to complete the "create" operation.

122504 ERROR Unable to determine Oracle user for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The Oracle Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the ownership of the Oracle database installation binaries.

Action: The owner of the Oracle binaries must be a valid non-root user on {server}. Correct the permissions and ownership of the Oracle database installation and retry the operation.

122505 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".

Cause: The database instance {sid} was not running or connections to the database were not available via the credentials provided.

Action: The database instance {sid} must be started on {server} and the proper credentials must be provided for the completion of the "create" operation.

122506 ERROR Unable to determine Oracle dbspaces and logfiles for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: A query to determine the location of required tablespaces, logfiles and related database files failed. This may have been caused by an internal database error.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122507 ERROR Unknown chunk type found for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The specified tablespace, logfile or other required database file is not one of the LifeKeeper supported file or character device types.

Action: The specified file {database_file} must reference an existing character device or file. Consult the Oracle installation documentation to recreate the specified file {database_file} as a supported file or character device type.

122508 ERROR DB Chunk "%s" for "%s" on "%s" does not reside on a shared file system.

Cause: The specified tablespace, logfile or other required database file {database_file} does not reside on a file system that is shared with other systems in the cluster.

Action: Use the LifeKeeper UI or "lcdstatus (1M)" to verify that communication paths have been properly created. Use "rpm" to verify that the necessary Application Recovery Kits for storage protection have been installed. Verify that the file is, in fact, not on shared storage, and if not, move it to a shared storage device.

122510 ERROR File system create failed for "%s" on "%s". Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {filesystem} on the specified server {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

122511 ERROR %s

Cause: The message contains the output of the "filesyshier" command.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122513 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the database resource {tag} and the necessary child resource {childtag}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Once any problems have been corrected, it may be possible to create the dependency between {tag} and {childtag} manually.

122514 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s" during resource create.

Cause: The Oracle Application Recovery Kit was unable to release the administrative lock using the "rlslocks" command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122516 ERROR Raw device resource created failed for "%s" on "%s". Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {raw device} on the specified server {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

122519 ERROR In-service attempted failed for tag "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The "perform_action" command for {tag} on {server} failed to start the database {sid}. The in-service operation has failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

122521 ERROR Create of app "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".

Cause: There was an error running the command "app_create" to create the internal application type.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122522 ERROR Create of typ "%s" for app "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".

Cause: There was an error running the command "typ_create" to create the internal resource type.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122524 ERROR Setting "resstate" for resource "%s" on "%s" failed with return code of "%d".

Cause: There was an error running the command "ins_setstate" to set the resource state to {state}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122525 ERROR The values specified for the target and the template servers are the same: "%s".

Cause: The value specified for the target and template servers for the "extend" operation were the same.

Action: You must specify the correct parameter for the {target server} and {template server}. The {target server} is the server where the {tag} will be extended.

122526 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file in "/etc" or in "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The oratab file was not found at the default or alternate locations on {server}.

Action: Verify the oratab file exists and has proper permissions for the Oracle user. A valid oratab file is required to complete the "extend" operation.

122527 ERROR Unable to retrieve the Oracle user on "%s".

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the Oracle user from {template server} during a "canextend" or "extend" operation failed.

Action: The owner of the Oracle binaries must be a valid user on {target server} and {template server}. Correct the permissions and ownership of the Oracle database installation and retry the operation.

122528 ERROR The Oracle user and/or group information for user "%s" does not exist on the server "%s".

Cause: LifeKeeper is unable to find the Oracle user and/or group information for the Oracle user {user} on the server {server}.

Action: Verify the Oracle user {user} exists on the specified {server}. If the user {user} does not exist, it should be created with the same uid and gid on all servers in the cluster.

122529 ERROR The id for user "%s" is not the same on template server "%s" and target server "%s".

Cause: The user id on the target server {target server} for the Oracle user {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The user ids for the Oracle user {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The user id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "extend" operation.

122530 ERROR The group id for user "%s" is not the same on template server "%s" and target server "%s".

Cause: The group id on the target server {target server} for the Oracle user {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The group ids for the Oracle user {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The group id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "extend" operation.

122532 ERROR No file system or raw devices found to extend for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: There were no dependent file system or raw device resources found for the Oracle resource {tag} on server {template server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122533 WARN A RAMDISK (%s) was detected in the ORACLE Database configuration for "%s" on "%s". LifeKeeper cannot protect RAMDISK. This RAMDISK resource will not be protected by LifeKeeper! ORACLE hierarchy creation will continue.

Cause: The specified tablespace, logfile or other database file {database_file} was detected as a ramdisk. No protection is available for this type of resource in the current LifeKeeper product.

Action: The ramdisk will not be protected. You must manually ensure that the required database file {database_file} will be available during all Oracle database operations.

122534 ERROR Failed to initialize object instance for Oracle sid "%s" on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122537 ERROR Update of instance info field for "%s" on "%s" failed (%s).

Cause: There was an error while running the command "ins_setinfo" to update the internal resource information field.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122538 ERROR Initial connect with query buffer to database "%s" on "%s" failed, testing output.

Cause: A connection attempt to the Oracle database {sid} to determine the database status has failed.

Action: The connection attempt failed with the specified credentials. Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122542 ERROR The "%s [ %s ]" attempt of the database "%s" appears to have failed on "%s".

Cause: The attempted Oracle action {action} using method {action_method} for the database instance {sid} failed on the server {server}.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122543 ERROR All attempts to "%s" database "%s" on "%s" failed

Cause: All efforts to perform the action {action} on the Oracle database {sid} on server {server} have failed.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122544 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to open the oratab file.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122545 ERROR Unable to locate the oratab file in "/etc" or in "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The oratab file was not found at the default or alternate locations on {server}.

Action: Verify the oratab file exists and has proper permissions for the oracle user. A valid oratab file is required to complete the "extend" operation.

122546 ERROR Unable to open file "%s" on "%s" (%s).

Cause: The specified file {file} could not be opened or accessed on the server {server} due to the error {error}.

Action: Verify the existence and permissions on the specified file {file}. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122547 ERROR (cleanUpPids):Forcefully killing hung pid(s):pid(s)="%s"

Cause: The process {pid} failed to respond to the request to terminate gracefully. The process {pid} will be forcefully terminated.

Action: Use the command line to verify that the process {pid} has been terminated. Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122548 ERROR Unable to locate the DB utility (%s/%s) on this host.

Cause: The Oracle binaries and required database utility {utility} located at {path/utility} were not found on this server {server}.

Action: Verify that the Oracle binaries and required software utilities are installed and properly configured on the server {server}. The Oracle binaries must be installed locally on each node or located on shared storage available to all nodes in the cluster.

122549 ERROR Oracle internal error or non-standard Oracle configuration detected. Oracle User and/or Group set to "root".

Cause: The detected ownership of the Oracle database installation resolves to the root user and/or root group. Ownership of the Oracle installation by root is a non-standard configuration.

Action: The owner of the Oracle binaries must be a valid non-root user on {server}. Correct the permissions and ownership of the Oracle database installation and retry the operation.

122550 ERROR Initial inspection of "%s" failed, verifying failure or success of received output.

Cause: The previous Oracle query {query} or command {cmd} failed to return success.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. Check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct the reported problem(s).

122551 ERROR Logon failed with "%s" for "%s" on "%s". Please check username/password and privileges.

Cause: The logon with the credentials {credentials} for the database instance {sid} on server {server} failed. An invalid user {user} or password was specified.

Action: Verify that the Oracle database user {user} and password {password} are indeed valid. In addition, the Oracle database user {user} must have sufficient privileges for the attempted action.

122552 ERROR %s

Cause: The message contains the output of the "sqlplus" command.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122553 ERROR Unable to open file "%s" on "%s" (%s).

Cause: The specified file {file} could not be opened or accessed on the server {server} due to the error {error}.

Action: Verify the existence and permissions on the specified file {file}. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related errors. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122554 ERROR The tag "%s" on "%s" is not an Oracle instance or it does not exist.

Cause: The specified tag {tag} on server {server} does not refer to an existing and valid Oracle resource instance.

Action: Use the UI or "lcdstatus (1M)" to verify the existence of the resource tag {tag}. The resource tag {tag} must be an Oracle resource instance to use the command "ora-display."

122555 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to update the authorized user, password and database role for the Oracle resource instance.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122557 ERROR Update of user and password failed for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: A request to update the user and password for the resource tag {tag} failed. The specified credentials failed the initial validation/connection attempt on server {server}.

Action: Verify the correct credentials {user/password} were specified for the attempted operation. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122559 ERROR Update of user and password failed for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The update of the user and password information for the resource tag {tag} on server {server} failed.

Action: Verify the correct credentials {user/password} were specified for the attempted operation. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122562 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The required Oracle executable {exe} was not found on this server {server}.

Action: Verify that the Oracle binaries and required software utilities are installed and properly configured on the server {server}. The Oracle binaries must be installed locally on each node or located on shared storage available to all nodes in the cluster.

122566 ERROR Unable to find Oracle home for "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The Oracle home directory {Oracle home} does not appear to contain files necessary for the proper operation of the Oracle instance {sid}.

Action: Verify using the command line that the Oracle home directory {Oracle home} contains the Oracle binaries, a valid spfile{sid}.ora or init{sid}.ora file.

122567 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected. The specified internal ID {id} does not match the expected SID {sid}.

Action: Verify the parameters are correct. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122568 ERROR DB Processes are not running on "%s".

Cause: A process check for the Oracle instance did not find any processes running on server {server}.

Action: If local recovery is enabled, the Oracle instance will be restarted locally. Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages.

122572 ERROR Failed to create flag "%s" on "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create a flag for controlling Oracle local recovery processing causing a failover to the standby node.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122574 ERROR all attempts to shutdown the database %s failed on "%s".

Cause: The shutdown of the Oracle database failed during a local recovery process most likely caused because the maximum number of database connections has been reached.

Action: Check the Oracle logs for connection failures caused by the maximum number of available connections being reached, and if found, consider increasing the value. Additionally, set the tunable LK_ORA_NICE to 1 to prevent connection failures from causing a quickCheck failure followed by a local recovery attempt.

122597 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected during pre-extend checking.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors
before retrying the pre-extend.

122598 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being created while attempting to determine the validity of the Oracle home directory.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors
before retrying the "create."

122599 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to look up the Oracle user on the template system.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors
before retrying the extend.

122600 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to display the resource properties.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the display of the resource properties.

122601 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to check for valid database authorization.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the command.

122603 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to perform health checks on the Oracle resource instance.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the quickCheck command and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the restore.

122604 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected while attempting to perform a local recovery on the Oracle resource instance.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the "recover" command, and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the recover.

122606 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".

Cause: The database instance {sid} was not running or connections to the database are not available via the credentials provided.

Action: The database instance {sid} must be started on {server} and the proper credentials must be provided for the completion of the selected operation.

122607 ERROR The Oracle database "%s" is not running or no open connections are available on "%s".

Cause: The database instance {sid} was not running or connections to the database are not available via the credentials provided.

Action: The database instance {sid} must be started on {server} and the proper credentials must be provided for the completion of the selected operation.

122608 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: The "remove" operation failed to create the resource object instance required to take the Oracle resource Out of Service.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the “remove” command and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the remove.

122609 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: The "restore" operation failed to create the resource object instance required to put the Oracle resource In Service.

Action: Check that correct arguments were passed to the "restore" command and also check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore."

122610 ERROR Unable to "%s" on "%s" during resource create.

Cause: The Oracle Application Recovery Kit was unable to create the administrative lock using the "getlocks" command during resource creation.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create.

122611 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child File System resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122612 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child Raw resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122613 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child Raw resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122614 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent Oracle resource and the child Listener resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the create operation.

122616 ERROR %s

Cause: The requested start up or shutdown of the Oracle database failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" or "remove" operation.

122618 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the database resource {tag} and the necessary child resource {childtag}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Once any problems have been corrected, it may be possible to create the dependency between {tag} and {childtag} manually.

122619 ERROR Dependency creation between Oracle database "%s (%s)" and the dependent resource "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the database resource {tag} and the necessary child resource {childtag}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Once any problems have been corrected, it may be possible to create the dependency between {tag} and {childtag} manually.

122625 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The quickCheck process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122626 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The remove process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122627 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The restore process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122628 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The recover process was unable to find the Oracle executable "sqlplus."

Action: Check the Oracle configuration and also check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported problems.

122632 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: During a remove, the resource instance {sid} passed to the remove process does not match internal resource instance information for the {sid}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122633 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: During a restore, the resource instance {sid} passed to restore does not match internal resource instance information for the {sid}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122634 ERROR Oracle SID mismatch. The instance SID "%s" does not match the SID "%s" specified for the command.

Cause: During resource recovery, the resource instance {sid} passed to recovery does not match internal resource instance information for the {sid}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122636 ERROR END failed hierarchy "%s" of resource "%s" on server "%s" with return value of %d

Cause: The create of the Oracle resource hierarchy {tag} failed on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122638 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The create action for the Oracle database resource {tag} on server {server} failed. The signal {sig} was received by the create process.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122640 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122641 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122642 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122643 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122644 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to retrieve resource instance information for {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors and retry the extend.

122645 ERROR Cannot access canextend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to run pre-extend checks because it was unable to find the "canextend" script on {server} for a dependent child resource.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122646 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to retrieve resource instance information for {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors and retry the extend.

122647 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to extend the resource {resource} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122648 ERROR Resource with either matching tag "%s" or id "%s" already exists on server "%s" for App "%s" and Type "%s"

Cause: During the database resource extension, a resource instance was found using the same {tag} and/or {id} but with a different resource application and type.

Action: Resource IDs must be unique. The resource instance with the ID matching the Oracle resource instance must be removed.

122649 ERROR Error creating resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create the Oracle resource instance {tag} on {server}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122650 ERROR Cannot access extend script "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: The request to extend the database resource {resource} to {server} failed because it was unable to the find the script {extend} on {server} for a dependent child resource.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

122651 ERROR Cannot extend resource "%s" to server "%s"

Cause: The request to extend the database resouce {resource} to {server} failed because of an error attempting to extend a dependent child resource.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

122654 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The health check for the database {sid} was terminated because the quickCheck process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the quickCheck process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The health check time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT. Set it to a value greater than 45 seconds to allow more time for the health check process to complete.

122655 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The request to take database {sid} "Out of Service" was terminated because the remove process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the remove process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The remove time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the remove process to complete.

122659 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The request to place database {sid} "In Service" was terminated because the restore process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the restore process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The restore time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the restore process to complete.

122663 ERROR END failed %s of "%s" on server "%s" due to a "%s" signal

Cause: The recovery of the failed database was terminated because the recovery process received a signal. This is most likely caused by the recovery process requiring more time to complete than was allotted.

Action: The recovery time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable values ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT and ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT. Set one or both of these to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for a recovery to complete.

122670 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to open the temporary file used in the update process.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122671 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to close the temporary file used in the update process.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122672 ERROR Update of "%s" sid "%s" on "%s" failed. Reason: "%s" "%s" failed: "%s".

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the oratab entry for the database {sid}. The error occurred while attempting to rename the temporary file back to oratab.

Action: The oratab file entry for {sid} will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic start up of the database at system boot.

122673 ERROR Unable to log messages queued while running as oracle user %s on %s. Reason: $!

Cause: An unexpected error {reason} occurred while attempting to add messages to the log file. These messages were generated while running as the Oracle user.

Action: Review the reason for the failure and take corrective action.

122674 ERROR Unable to open %s Reason: %s.

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to open a connection to the Oracle database and run the database {cmd}.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Additionally, check the Oracle log (alert.log) and related trace logs (*.trc) for additional information and correct any reported problems.

122680 ERROR Unable to find %s/dbs/init%s.ora, %s/admin/%s/pfile, or spfile for %s on %s

Cause: The Oracle home directory {Oracle home} does not appear to contain files necessary for the proper operation of the Oracle instance {sid}.

Action: Verify using the command line that the Oracle home directory {Oracle home} contains the Oracle binaries, a valid spfile{sid}.ora or init{sid}.ora file.

122681 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle on "%s".

Cause: There was an unexpected error creating an internal representation of the Oracle instance being protected.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the operation.

122682 ERROR Unable to find the Oracle executable "%s" on "%s".

Cause: The required Oracle executable {exe} was not found on this server {server}.

Action: Verify that the Oracle binaries and required software utilities are installed and properly configured on the server {server}. The Oracle binaries must be installed locally on each node or located on shared storage available to all nodes in the cluster.

122683 ERROR Backup node %s is unreachable; abort username/password changes.

Cause: Backup node {node} is currently unreachable. Pending changes to username/password have been aborted.

Action: Ensure that SIOS LifeKeeper is running on the given backup node {node} and that all communication paths are up, then retry the operation.

122684 ERROR The restore of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 300 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

Cause: The restore for Oracle resource {resource} has timed out on server {server}. This occurs when the in-service operation has taken longer than the time allotted.

Action: The restore time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_RESTORE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the restore process to complete.

122685 ERROR The remove of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 300 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

Cause: The remove for Oracle resource {resource} has timed out on server {server}. This occurs when the out-of-service operation has taken longer than the time allotted.

Action: The remove time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_REMOVE_TIMEOUT. Set the tunable to a value greater than 240 seconds to allow more time for the remove process to complete.

122686 ERROR The quickCheck of %s has timed out on server %s. The default TIMEOUT is 45 seconds. To increase the TIMEOUT, set ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/LifeKeeper.

Cause: The quickCheck for Oracle resource {resource} has timed out on server {server}. This occurs when the health check has taken longer than the time allotted.

Action: The health check time for an Oracle resource is controlled by the tunable value ORACLE_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT. Set it to a value greater than 45 seconds to allow more time for the health check process to complete.

122687 ERROR Usage: %s %s

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the getalertlog script.

Action: The tag name of the Oracle resource must be provided to the script as the first command line parameter. Verify the parameters are correct and retry the operation.

122702 ERROR Failed start OHAS.
122704 ERROR Failed start ASM.
122706 ERROR Failed start Diskgroup.
122708 ERROR Failed stop Diskgroup.
122710 ERROR Failed stop ASM.
122712 ERROR Failed stop OHAS.
122713 ERROR OHAS is not running.
122714 ERROR ASM is not running.
122715 ERROR Diskgroup is not running.
122716 ERROR $usage
122717 ERROR Template resource \"$template_tag\" on server \"$template_sys\" does note exist
122718 ERROR Cannot extend resource \"$template_tag\" to server \"$me\"
122719 ERROR $usage
122720 ERROR END failed create of \"$Tag\" due to a \"$sig\" signal
122722 ERROR Unable to getlocks on $me during resouce create.
122725 ERROR Error creating resource $Tag. Error ($rc
122726 ERROR END failed hierarchy create of resource $Tag with return value of $ecode.
122728 ERROR Unable to rlslocks on $me during resource create.
122729 ERROR $usage
122730 ERROR END failed extend of \"$Tag\" due to a \"$sig\" signal
122732 ERROR Template resource \"$TemplateTag\" on server \"$TemplateSys\" does not exist
122733 ERROR Error creating resouce \"$Tag\"on server \"$me\"
122735 ERROR END failed hierarchy extend of resource $Tag with return value of $ecode.
122736 ERROR $usage
122737 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle ASM on $oracle::me
122738 ERROR Usage : $cmd $usage
122739 ERROR Failed to create object instance for Oracle ASM on \"$me\".
122740 ERROR $usage
122742 ERROR backup node $back_dead_name is unreachable; abort protection Diskgroup changes.
122744 ERROR Update of protection Diskgroup failed for \"$tag\" on \"$oarcleasm::me\"
122746 ERROR Update of protection Diskgroup failed foor \"$tag\" on \"$remote\"
122750 ERROR Failed to init the object.
122751 ERROR Usage: %s %s


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