Now that the master database has been relocated to replicated storage, the MSSQL server resources are ready to be protected using LifeKeeper. Before configuring it with LifeKeeper, start MSSQL on node-a.

  1. In the LifeKeeper User Interface, define a new resource. Click the icon to start the Create Resource Wizard (on node-a). Select “Quick Service Protection” as the Recovery Kit.

  1. Enter the following values. Select the default values.
Switchback Type intelligent
Server node-a
  1. Select “mssql-server” for the Service Name from the dropdown list.

  1. Enter the following values. Select the default values.
Enable or Disable Monitoring enable
Resource Tag QSP-mssql-server
  1. The wizard reviews the values. Once it completes, click “Next >” to continue.

  1. The next step is the “Pre-Extend Wizard”. Select the default values.

Switchback Type intelligent
Template Priority 1
Target Priority 10

Once the checks on the ‘Pre-Extend Wizard’ have completed and passed, click ‘Next’ to continue.

  1. On the “Extend gen/qsp Resource” wizard, the first choice is selecting the Database Tag. Confirm the default value and click “Extend”.

  1. Once the Extend Wizard configures the gen/qsp resource, click “Finish” to complete.

  1. The hierarchy has now been successfully created and verified. Click “Done” to complete.

  1. Return to the LifeKeeper GUI. The “QSP-mssql-server” resource is defined as shown below.


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