The steps required to create the second node (node-b) and third node (node-c) is almost the same as previously described for the first node (node-a). The following table illustrates the differences between the three nodes and the details required to create these instances.

Common values across VM Resource Group LK-QSG
Virtual network LK-VNET
Subnet LK-subnet
Network security Group LK-NSG
node-a Availability Zone (*1) 1
Private IP Address (*2)
Second Disk (Storage Device) You need to have a second disk
node-b Availability Zone (*1) 2
Private IP Address (*2)
Second Disk (Storage Device) You need to have a second disk
node-c Availability Zone (*1) 3
Private IP Address (*2) (node-c)
Second Disk (Storage Device) You do not need to create a second disk

Once created, the list of instances should look like the following.


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