If the User_Key for an existing hierarchy needs to be changed, the hierarchy must be deleted and recreated.

Update the password of a User_Key

MaxDB Username and Password need to be changed on a system using LifeKeeper.

The SAP MaxDB software includes the xuser tool for simplifying the specification of many required options to SAP MaxDB tools. The xuser tool allows you to predefine and save user data. This predefined user data is stored in a user key (User_Key)

To change db username and password perform the following:

1. Navigate to the bin directory of the installation path of MaxDB server
2. run ./xuser list - to list the keys so you have the name of the correct one to change
3. run ./xuser -U <key name> set -u <username>,<password> - to change it

Note: The resulting .XUSER.62 file needs to be updated on both nodes either via running the xuser utility on each additional cluster node or by securely copying the file between user home directories.

No LifeKeeper actions are needed to see this change


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