The table below lists and explains names and meanings of the SAP parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file.

Parameter Name Meaning Setting Value Default Value When to Apply Notes
SAP_START_WAIT Timeout in seconds for the sapcontrol -function StartWait command issued by the restore and recover processes to start the protected SAP instance. Integers 228 As required (takes effect immediately)
SAP_STOP_WAIT Timeout in seconds for the sapcontrol -function StopWait command issued by the remove process to stop the protected SAP instance. Integers 228 As required (takes effect immediately)
SAP_EXPERTMODE During LifeKeeper SAP resource creation, the SAP Recovery Kit performs several checks to determine which SAP-related filesystems are shared between nodes and will attempt to automatically create corresponding shared filesystem resources. To disable these checks (e.g., to provide more flexibility when using replicated filesystems), set SAP_EXPERTMODE=1. 0: Perform filesystem checks and automatically create resources for SAP-related shared filesystems.

1: Skip filesystem checks and do not automatically create resources for SAP-related shared file systems
0 As required when creating an SAP resource Set this parameter value to 1 to prevent the SAP Recovery Kit from automatically creating dependent resources for shared filesystems when an SAP resource is created. This is useful, for example, when SAP-related filesystems are being replicated using DataKeeper.
SAP_DB_CHECK_IGNORE While attempting to start a protected SAP instance, the SAP Recovery Kit checks the status of the associated database (whose information is obtained from the SAPDBHOST/dbtype/dbname/dbhost SAP profile parameters) using an saphostctrl GetDatabaseStatus call.

This parameter may be set to 1 to disable the database status check.

0:Perform database check

1: Ignore database check

0 As required (takes effect immediately) Set this parameter value to 1 if either the database is not protected by SIOS LifeKeeper or if the database check performed by the SAP Recovery Kit is failing unexpectedly.
SAP_CONFIG_REFRESH Refresh time in seconds of the Configuration properties page. Integers LKCHECKINTERVAL/2 As required (takes effect immediately) If the value is less than 5 seconds, it will be set to the default.
SAP_CREATE_NAS Automatically includes a NAS resource for NAS mounted file systems.
0: disabled
1: enabled
1 As required (takes effect immediately)
SAP_NFS_CHECK_DIRS Comma-separated list of NFS mount points to check String empty As required when using NFS shared filesystems Do not use for Amazon EFS mount points
SAP_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for the quickCheck process. Integers 60 seconds As required (takes effect immediately)
SAP_RESTORE_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for the restore process. Integers 516 seconds As required (takes effect immediately)
SAP_REMOVE_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for the remove process. Integers 804 seconds As required (takes effect immediately)
SAP_RECOVER_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for the recover process. Integers 1320 seconds As required (takes effect immediately) If the value is less than the default, it will be set to the default.


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