If an inqfail error appears in your LifeKeeper error log following a failover, you will need to change the filesystemio setting.

Note: The disk id and server name will be different for each configuration.

To resolve this problem, you will need to change the setting filesystemio=”SETALL” to filesystemio=”ASYNCH”

To locate this setting, query the option with the following SQL command:

  1. SQL> show parameter filesystemio;
  1. Use the following commands to change the settings:

SQL> alter system set filesystemio_options=<XXXXXXX> scope=spfile;

<XXXXXXX> can be set to

<XXXXXXX> = {none | setall | direction | asynch}

NONE – no optimization

ASYNC – enable asynchronous I/O

DIRECTIO – enable direct I/O

SETALL – enables all available features

IMPORTANT: Oracle needs to be restarted after resetting the parameter.


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