1. On node-a, start installer as follows:

  1. Once the installer starts, complete the following steps:
Step #
Value ( indicates accepting default value)
1 Select Operation Create a database
2 Creation Mode Advanced Configuration
3 Deployment Type

Database Type: Oracle Single Instance Database

Template: General Purpose or Transaction Processing

4 Database Identification orcl
5 Storage Option

Storage Type: File System

Location: /datakeeper/oradata

6 Fast Recovery Option Select nothing
7 Network Configuration Create a new Listener (Name: LISTENER1)
8 Configuration Option Leave as default values
9 Management Option Leave as default values
10 User Credentials Select “Use the same administrative password for all accounts” and then Specify Password
11 Creation Option Create database
12 Summary Confirm the values
13 Progress Page Watch for progress
14 Finish Confirm the result


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