Mount ISO Image for Install

  1. Download the ISO image and license key files to the local environment.
  1. Copy the ISO image to each of the nodes.
  1. Copy the license file to each of the nodes.
  1. Log into each node and mount the installer image.
# ls
evalkeys.txt sps.img
# sudo su 
# mount -o loop -t iso9660 sps.img /media 
mount: /media: WARNING: device write-protected, mounted read-only. 
  1. Check the content of the image.
# cd /media 
# ls 
CentOS     core                                java  OEL.UEK  related    shfuncs
Chef       create_response_file                kits  patches  RHAS       SuSE
common     HADR-9.6.2-7477.src.rpm             ML    quorum   setup      TRANS.TBL
COPYRIGHT  HADR-generic-9.6.2-7477.x86_64.rpm  OEL   README   setuplibs

Install LifeKeeper for Linux

The installer script should be located in /media/ as setup. Execute the setup script to install LifeKeeper for Linux.

# ./setup 
LifeKeeper for Linux Setup 
Validating files....................................OK 
Collecting system information.....................................done. 
Preparing configuration information............done. 
  1. The GUI Installer starts as shown below.

  1. Check “Use Quorum / Witness Functions”.

  1. Specify the location of the license file.

  1. Select the Recovery Kits to be installed.

  1. Check “LifeKeeper Startup After Install”, then select “Done”.

  1. Start the Install process.

  1. Install is now completed. Repeat the steps for node-b and node-c.

Additional Environment Specific Tasks to Complete

If AWS is being used, complete the following steps:

If Azure is being used, complete the following step:


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