The LifeKeeper for Linux Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) Recovery Kit provides replicated storage for other LifeKeeper for Linux Recovery Kits. Thus, LifeKeeper-protected applications can take advantage of the benefits offered by DRBD to build a high availability cluster without shared storage.
The DRBD Recovery Kit is different from most other LifeKeeper for Linux Recovery Kits in that it is never used alone but always as a dependency of another LifeKeeper resource, the file system resource.
This guide explains the following topics:
- Requirements. A description of the hardware and software necessary to properly setup, install, and operate the DRBD Recovery Kit. Refer to LifeKeeper for Linux Installation Guide for specific instructions on how to install or remove LifeKeeper for Linux software.
- Overview. A description of the DRBD Recovery Kit’s features and functionality.
- Configuring the LifeKeeper for Linux DRBD Recovery Kit. A description of the procedures required to properly configure the DRBD Recovery Kit.
- LifeKeeper Configuration Tasks. A description of the tasks for creating and managing your DRBD resource hierarchies using the LifeKeeper GUI.
- DRBD for Linux Troubleshooting. A list of LifeKeeper for Linux error messages including a description of each.
- Configuration Example. Example of a 3-node disaster recovery configuration using DRBD.
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