A Security Group works as a firewall, allowing you to define both “allow” and “deny” rules. A source can be an internet address or a security group, and a security group can be assigned to a Virtual Machine or a subnet.

Refer to the Azure documentation for more information.

A new security group already has several “allow” and “deny” rules (those are defined with priority 65xxx). We will add following additional rules to “allow” access (see the green arrows).

  • Allow traffic from the work location to LK-subnet
  • Allow traffic from Virtual Machines to Internal Load Balancer

  1. Select “Network Security Group” from the home screen and click “Add” to create a new one.

  1. Select the Resource Group LK-QSG, specify the name of new security group as LK-NSG, then select a region.

Once you specify the values, click “Review + create”.

  1. Once the wizard validates your input, click “Create”.

  1. The new security group LK-NSG is now created. You can see that there are several inbound and outbound rules already defined.

  1. Select the Inbound security rules from the left side and click “Add” to enter the new rule. Enter the following values:
  • Source IP: Your WAN IP address(es)
  • Source Port Range: *
  • Destination: Virtual Network
  • Destination Port Ranges: *
  • Name: AllowAccessFromWork (any name that represents this configuration is fine)

After you enter the values, click “Add”.

  1. Select Outbound security rules from the left side and click “Add” to enter the new rule. Enter the following values:
  • Source: VirtualNetwork
  • Source port range: *
  • Destination: Service Tag
  • Destination Service Tag: AzureLoadBalancer
  • Destination port ranges: *
  • Name: AllowTrafficFromInstancesToLoadBalancer (any name that represents this configuration is fine)

After you enter the values, click “Add”.

  1. Now the new Security group is defined.



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