Configure the following settings on the cluster node (primary).
- Execute the following command as an oracle user:
- Database operation. Select Create Database and click Next.
- Creation Mode. Select Advanced Mode and click Next.
- Database Template. Select General Purpose or Transaction Processing and click Next.
- Database Identification. Set the database name and SID as follows:
Global Database Name=lkoracle
- Management Options. Use the default value and click Next.
- Database Credentials. Select Use the Same Administrative Password for All Accounts to register the password.
- Network Configuration. Since the Listener has been created, use the default value and click Next.
- Storage Locations. Use the default value and click Next.
- Database Options. Use the default value and click Next.
- Initialize Parameters. Use the default value and click Next.
- Creation Options. Use the default value and click Next.
- If the settings are correct, click Finish to start creating the database.
- The database is created.
- Next, modify /etc/oratab. Note that this setting will be undone in a later step.
- Copy /etc/oratab from the primary node to the secondary node.
The installation of Oracle DB is now completed.
*Installation of Oracle DB on the secondary node is not necessary.