This document describes how to create a data replication resource.

Configuring a Disk

First, configure the disk to be used by the data replication resource.

  1. Create a directory for an oracle database mount point on both nodes of the cluster.

  1. On both nodes, verify that the disk (the disk specified when creating the instance) is attached.

  1. Create a disk partition for Oracle on both nodes.

  1. Check the created partition.

  1. Create a mount point for the file system for Oracle on both cluster nodes.

  1. Next, configure DataKeeper to recognize the device.

When performing data replication using DataKeeper for Linux on Azure, since the ID used to identify the storage with the standard configurations cannot be obtained, you need to create a GUID Partition (GPT) and assign a unique ID to the partition or use an LVM. Refer to Troubleshooting for more information.

Now the disk is configured.

Creating a Data Replication Resource Hierarchy

Next, create a Data Replication resource with the LIfeKeeper GUI.

  1. Start the LifeKeeper GUI with the following command on the primary node.

  1. Click the Create Resource Hierarchy icon to start creating a resource.

  1. The Create Resource Wizard appears. Select Data Replication for the Recovery Kit from the pull-down menu and click Next.

  1. In the Create Resource Wizard, enter the following values.
Item Value to be entered or selected Notes
Switchback Type Intelligent
Server lk4lnode01
Hierarchy Type Replicate New Filesystem
Source DIsk /dev/sdc1 *Note 1
New Mount Point /mnt/ORA *Note 2
New Filesystem Type xfs
Data Replication Resource Tag datarep-ORA
File System Resource Tag /mnt/ORA
Bitmap File /opt/LifeKeeper/bitmap_mnt_ORA *Note 3
Enable Asynchronous Replication? no
  • Note 1: After this, “ATTENTION! <Device name> is not shareable with any other server” is displayed, you can ignore it because it is always displayed when creating a replication.

  • Note 2: Specify the mount point that has been created.

  • Note 3: Although the default path is used this time, consider specifying a faster private area to improve performance.

  1. Creation of the data replication resource will begin.
  1. “End of successful Create of…” is displayed on the screen to confirm it is successful. Click Next to go to the Pre-Extend Wizard.

  1. Enter the following values.

Item Value to be entered or selected
Target Server lk4lnode02
Switchback Type Intelligent
Template Priority 1
Target Priority 10
  1. Pre-Extend is started. It is successful if “Pre Extend checks were successful” is displayed. Click Next.

  1. In the Extend Resource Wizard, enter the following values.

Item Value to be entered or selected Notes
Mount Point /mnt/ORA
Root Tag /mnt/ORA
Target Disk /dev/sdc1
Data Replication Resource Tag datarep-ORA
Bitmap File /opt/LifeKeeper/bitmap_mnt_ORA
Replication Path *Note 1

*Note1: Specify the communication path on the second subnet.

  1. Extending starts. If “Hierarchy successful extended” is displayed, it is successful. Click Finish.
  1. Click Done to exit the wizard.
  1. Data replication resource is created.

*Data replication resource is not created for the swap area.

Refer to Creating a DataKeeper Resource Hierarchy for details.



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