This section describes the steps required to protect a cluster of NFS servers.

Before Beginning

This section assumes that the following 2 resources are configured on the cluster.

The LifeKeeper GUI should look like the following prior to installing the NFS software.

Install NFS Server Software

For example, on RHEL 8.x, install nfs-utils on both node-a and node-b:

Configure the NFS Server

Start the required NFS-related services on both node-a and node-b and enable them so that they start automatically on boot.

# systemctl enable --now rpcbind nfs-server

Edit /etc/exports to define the NFS export. We are using the shared storage (/datakeeper) that is protected by DataKeeper. Create /datakeeper/nfs/data and use it as the location of the export.

Once the /etc/exports file has been edited it should look like the following:

Export the shared file system that was added /etc/exports on node-a:

[root@node-a ~]# exportfs -rav

Confirm Access to the NFS Server from a Client

On the client machine (e.g., node-c), complete the following steps to install the NFS software. Mount the NFS export from node-a to a local folder (e.g., mount to /local/nfsclient).

Now the content on the NFS server should be visible. Disconnect (unmount) from the NFS server to configure the NFS cluster.

Protecting an NFS Resource using LifeKeeper

  1. Select on the LifeKeeper user interface.
  1. The Create Resource Wizard at node-a screen will appear. Select the NFS Recovery Kit as the Recovery Kit.

  1. Select the following parameters.
Switchback Type intelligent
Server node-a
Export Point /datakeeper/nfs/data
IP Tag ip-
NFS Tag nfs-/datakeeper/nfs/data

The wizard checks these values. Once “nfs-/datakeeper/nfs/data” is successfully created on node-a, continue to the next steps.

  1. Select the following values on Pre-Extend Wizard @ node-a.
Target Server node-b
Switchback Type intelligent
Template Priority 1
Target Priority 10

The wizard checks these values. Once the Pre-Extend Check is completed, move on to the next steps.

  1. Select the following values on the Extend gen/nfs Resource Hierarchy @ node-a wizard.
NFS Tag nfs-/datakeeper/nfs/data

The NFS resource hierarchy is now defined in LifeKeeper. The wizard automatically defines a dependency between the NFS resource and required resources (IP resource and /datakeeper resource).



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