Control F を使用して、各カタログの特定のエラーコードを検索します。エラーコードの検索には、画面右上の検索ボックスをご利用ください。
コード | 重大度 | メッセージ | 原因/処置 |
135002 | ERROR | Socket connection to $host failed (not a timeout): $@ | |
135008 | ERROR | Failed to lock $QUORUM_LOCK_FILE: $!. | |
135009 | ERROR | Failed to open $QUORUM_LOCK_FILE: $! | |
135010 | ERROR | Failed to lock $QUORUM_LOCK_FILE: $!. | |
135011 | ERROR | Failed to open $QUORUM_LOCK_FILE: $! | |
135802 | ERROR | Periodic storage quorum check has not been done for %lld ms, which exceeds 2*QWK_STORAGE_HBEATTIME (%lld) ms. | |
135806 | ERROR | qwk_config() failed. | |
135807 | ERROR | thread_initialize() failed. | |
135808 | ERROR | state_monitor_initialize() failed. | |
135809 | ERROR | state_monitor() failed. | |
135810 | ERROR | start_server() failed. | |
135812 | ERROR | ‘fopen’ for %s failed: %m | |
135813 | ERROR | ‘qwk_object_path=’ line cannot be found for %s. | |
135814 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown config. | |
135815 | ERROR | configuration of hbeattime ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135816 | ERROR | configuration of numhbeats ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135817 | ERROR | configuration of timeout_multiplier ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135818 | ERROR | configuration of lcmhbeattime ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135819 | ERROR | configuration of lcmnumhbeats ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135820 | ERROR | configuration of qwk_object_type is incorrect. | |
135821 | ERROR | configuration of my_node is incorrect. | |
135822 | ERROR | configuration of number_of_node ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135823 | ERROR | configuration of number_of_object ‘%d’ is incorrect. | |
135824 | ERROR | configuration of object node is incorrect. | |
135825 | ERROR | configuration of object path is incorrect. | |
135826 | ERROR | my_node is not include in qwk_objects. | |
135827 | ERROR | ‘open’ for %s failed: %m | |
135828 | ERROR | ‘read’ for %s failed: %m | |
135829 | ERROR | ‘popen’ for %s failed: %m | |
135830 | ERROR | ‘open’ for %s failed: %m | |
135831 | ERROR | ‘write’ for %s failed: %m | |
135832 | ERROR | ‘popen’ for %s failed: %m | |
135833 | ERROR | (bug) buffer overflow | |
135834 | ERROR | (bug) data is corrupted | |
135835 | ERROR | ‘signature=’ line cannot be found. | |
135836 | ERROR | signature ‘%s’ does not match. | |
135837 | ERROR | ‘local_node=’ line cannot be found. | |
135838 | ERROR | local_node ‘%s’ does not match. | |
135839 | ERROR | ‘time=’ line cannot be found. | |
135840 | ERROR | ‘sequence=’ line cannot be found. | |
135841 | ERROR | sequence ‘%s’ scan failed. | |
135842 | WARN | ‘node=’ line cannot be found. index=%d | |
135843 | ERROR | ‘commstat=’ line cannot be found. index=%d | |
135844 | ERROR | ‘checksum=’ line cannot be found. | |
135845 | ERROR | checksum ‘%s’ scan failed. | |
135846 | ERROR | checksum does not match. | |
135849 | ERROR | qwk object was not found. | |
135851 | ERROR | failed to read qwk object. | |
135852 | ERROR | failed to decode node_info. | |
135854 | WARN | sequence backed down from %llu to %llu. | |
135855 | ERROR | ‘malloc’ for %zu failed: %m | |
135856 | ERROR | thread_create() failed. index=%d | |
135870 | ERROR | (bug) data is corrupted | |
135871 | ERROR | format error in request. | |
135872 | ERROR | format error in quorum_verify request. lkevent cannot be found. | |
135873 | ERROR | format error in witness_verify request. lkevent cannot be found. | |
135874 | ERROR | format error in witness_verify request. target_node cannot be found. | |
135875 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown command. | |
135877 | ERROR | qwk_receive() did not receive full header. Close socket. | |
135878 | ERROR | Request is too long. Close socket. | |
135879 | ERROR | qwk_receive() did not receive full request. Close socket. | |
135880 | ERROR | do_request() failed. | |
135881 | ERROR | qwk_send() did not send full header. Close socket. | |
135882 | ERROR | qwk_send() did not send full response. Close socket. | |
135884 | ERROR | qwk_accept() failed. | |
135885 | ERROR | thread_create() failed. | |
135886 | ERROR | cannot create socket. | |
135887 | ERROR | ‘bind’ failed: %m | |
135888 | ERROR | ‘listen’ failed: %m | |
135889 | ERROR | create_sockets() failed. | |
135890 | ERROR | thread_create() failed. | |
135891 | ERROR | ‘pthread_attr_init’ failed: %m | |
135892 | ERROR | ‘pthread_attr_setstacksize’ failed: %m | |
135893 | ERROR | ‘pthread_create’ failed: %m | |
135894 | ERROR | requst is too long. header.size=%zu | |
135895 | ERROR | qwk_send() failed for header. | |
135896 | ERROR | qwk_send() failed for request. | |
135897 | ERROR | qwk_send() failed for termination. | |
135898 | ERROR | qwk_receive() did not receive full header. | |
135899 | ERROR | Response buffer is not enough large. Server sent %zu bytes. | |
135900 | ERROR | qwk_receive() did not receive full response. | |
135901 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown command. | |
135903 | ERROR | Cannot create socket. | |
135904 | ERROR | ‘connect’ failed: %m | |
135905 | ERROR | request_send() failed. | |
135906 | ERROR | request_receive() failed. | |
135907 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown lkevent. | |
135908 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown qwktype. | |
135909 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown node state. | |
135910 | ERROR | ‘%s’ is unknown quorum state. | |
135911 | ERROR | ‘accept’ failed: %m | |
135912 | ERROR | You must install the LifeKeeper license key for Storage Quorum Witness Kit. | |
135913 | ERROR | Cannot find the configuration for node ‘%s’ in the configuration file. If the configuration of the cluster is changed after the initialization, it needs to be initialized again. Please see the SIOS product documentation for information on how to reinitialize using qwk_storage_init command. | |
135914 | WARN | The first cycle did not complete before timeout (%lld ms). | 原因: Storage モードの Quorum オブジェクトへの最初の書き込みが、指定された時間(ミリ秒)でタイムアウトしました。 処置: QWK_STORAGE_HBEATTIME と QWK_STORAGE_NUMHBEATS に大きな値を設定します。(どちらか一方または両方) このメッセージが出力された後、135802 メッセージが頻繁に出力される場合は、Quorum/Witness の Storage モードページのトラブルシューティングの項目を参照してください。 |
135916 | WARN | The first cycle did not complete before timeout (%lld ms). | 原因: Storage モードの Quorum オブジェクトへの最初の書き込みが、指定された時間(ミリ秒)でタイムアウトしました。 処置: QWK_STORAGE_HBEATTIME と QWK_STORAGE_NUMHBEATS に大きな値を設定します。(どちらか一方または両方) このメッセージが出力された後、135802 メッセージが頻繁に出力される場合は、Quorum/Witness の Storage モードページのトラブルシューティングの項目を参照してください。 |
135917 | ERROR | params is NULL. return 0 as timeout msec. | 原因: 内部処理に問題が発生しました。 処置: サポートにお問い合わせください。 |
135918 | ERROR | s3_read_qwk_object for %s failed: %d (%s | |
135919 | ERROR | s3_write_qwk_object for %s failed: %d (%s | |
135920 | ERROR | %s is empty | |
135921 | ERROR | mkstemp for %s failed: %m | |
135922 | ERROR | mkstemp for %s failed: %m | |
135998 | EMERG | An unrecoverable error was detected in qwk_storage_server. Stop restarting qwk_storege_server. | |
135999 | ERROR | -c $cmd |