eqv_list [-d destsys] [-s sys] [-t tag] [-e SHARED] [-fC]

This function prints strings to standard output describing equivalency relationships between resource instances. If destsys is not specified, the current system is assumed. Each line contains fields separated by a delimiter character. The default delimiter character is ^A (\001). If the -fC option is specified, the delimiter is changed to C.

The example listings below show a colon (:) as a delimiter.




Using LKSYSA:fi.vo.0:LKSYSB;fi.vo.0:SHARED, these are the fields:

LKSYSA Primary system name where the resource resides.
fi.vo.0 Volume resource tag on the primary system.
LKSYSB System name for the secondary system, where the resource equivalency resides.
fi.vo.0 Volume resource tag for the equivalent resource on the secondary system.
SHARED Equivalency type.

The remaining arguments limit the information output as specified below:

-s sys. This option limits the output to include only the equivalencies relating to the system specified by the sys argument.

-t tag. This option limits the output to include only the equivalencies relating to the tag specified by the tag argument.

-e SHARED. This option prints all SHARED equivalency information.


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