1. On the View Menu, click History. The LifeKeeper GUI Message History dialog is displayed.
  1. If you want to clear all messages from the history, click Clear.
  1. Click OK to close the dialog.

The Message History dialog displays the most recent messages from the message bar. The history list can display a maximum of 1000 lines. When the maximum number of lines is exceeded, the new messages will “push out” the oldest messages.

These messages represent only the actions between the client and the server and are displayed in chronological order, the most recent messages appearing at the top of the list.

Reading the Message History

<— indicates that the message is incoming from a server and typically has a format of:

<—“server name”:“action”

<—“server name”:“app res”: “action”

<—“server name”:“res instance”:“action”

—> indicates that the message is outgoing from a client and typically has a format of:

—>“server name”:“action”

—>“server name”:“app res”: “action”

—>“server name”:“res instance”:“action”

The Clear button clears the history but does not close the dialog.

The OK button closes the dialog without clearing the history.



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