The following abbreviations are used throughout this document:
HA | Highly Available, High Availability |
QMDIR | WebSphere MQ queue manager directory. This directory holds the queue manager persistent queue data and is typically located in /var/mqm/qmgrs with the name of the queue manager as subdirectory name. The exact location of this directory is specified in the global mqs.ini configuration file. If the DataPath parameter is defined then the DataPath value along with queue manager name specifies the location of the queue manager persistent data, otherwise the default location as noted above is used. |
QMLOGDIR | WebSphere MQ queue manager log directory. This directory holds the queue manager log data and is typically located in /var/mqm/log with the queue manager name as subdirectory. The exact location of this directory is specified in the queue manager configuration file (QMDIR/qm.ini). |
MQUSER | The operating system user running all WebSphere MQ commands. This user is the owner of the QMDIR. The user must be a member of the MQGROUP administrative group mqm (see below). |
MQGROUP | The operating system user group that the MQUSER must be part of. This group must be named mqm. |
UID | Numeric user id of an operating system user. |
GID | Numeric group id of an operating system user group. |