First navigate to the WebSphere MQ Resource Properties Panel or the Resource Context Menu described above. Then click on PUT/GET TESTQUEUE Configuration icon or menu item. The following dialog will appear:
Now enter the name of the LifeKeeper test queue and click Next. You will be asked if you want to set the new LifeKeeper test queue; click Continue. Next, the LifeKeeper GUI will set the LifeKeeper test queue on each server in the cluster. If you set the test queue to an empty value, no PUT/GET tests are performed.
Command Line
To set the LifeKeeper test queue via command line, use the following command:
/opt/LifeKeeper/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/mqseries/bin/mq_modqmgrparam -c -s -i TEST.QM -p TESTQUEUE -v “LIFEKEEPER.TESTQUEUE”
This will set (-s) the LifeKeeper test queue (-p) on each node of the cluster (-c) to LIFEKEEPER.TESTQUEUE (-v) for queue manager TEST.QM (-i).
Note: You can either use the queue manager name (-i) or the LifeKeeper TAG (-t) name.