After a failover of a SAP, there will be error messages in the SAP logs. Many of these error messages are normal and can be ignored.

On Failure of the DB

BVx: Work Process is in reconnect status – This error message simply states that a work progress has lost the connection to the database and is trying to reconnect.

BVx: Work Process has left reconnect status – This is not really an error, but states that the database is back up and the process has reconnected to it.

Other errors – There could be any number of other errors in the logs during the period of time that the database is down.

On Startup of the CI

E15: Buffer SCSA Already Exists – This error message is not really an error at all. It is simply telling you that a previously created shared memory area was found on the system which will be used by SAP.

E07: Error 00000 : 3No such process in Module rslgsmcc (071)See SAP Note 7316 – During the previous shutdown, a lock was not released properly. This error message can be ignored.

During a LifeKeeper In-Service Operation

The following messages may be displayed in the LifeKeeper In Service Dialog during an in-service operation:

error: permission denied on key ‘net.unix.max_dgram_qlen’

error: permission denied on key ‘kernel.cap-bound’

These errors occur when saposcol is started and can be ignored (see SAP Note 201144).



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