In-Service, Protected (ISP) Resource is operational. LifeKeeper local recovery operates normally. LifeKeeper inter-server recovery and failure recovery is operational.
In-Service, Unprotected (ISU)

Resource is operational. However, no local recovery or failure recovery will occur because the LifeKeeper protection is not operational.

Note: When the file system protected by the file system resource(filesys) has reached at least 90% (the default threshold) of its capacity, the resource status will be changed to ISU to alert the user. In this case, the monitoring process is continued. For the monitoring of file system resources and its capacity, the ISU state is used differently from other resource types. Once the file system capacity drops below the threshold, the resource state will return to ISP.

Out-of-Service, Failed (OSF) Resource has gone out-of-service because of a failure in the resource. Recovery has not been completed or has failed. LifeKeeper alarming is not operational for this resource.
Out-of-Service, Unimpaired (OSU) Resource is out-of-service but available to take over a resource from another server.
Illegal (Undefined) State (ILLSTATE) This state appears in situations where no state has been set for a resource instance. Under normal circumstances, this invalid state does not last long: a transition into one of the other states is expected. This state will occur if switchover occurs before all LifeKeeper information tables have been updated (for example, when LifeKeeper is first started up).



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