Route53 Recovery Kit provides a mechanism for updating Amazon Route 53 DNS information corresponding to a virtual IP address and an actual IP address information of IP resources that are in dependency relation when switching to a failed primary server to a backup server
SIOS Protection Suite Documentation
The following is a list of SIOS Protection Suite for Linux related information available from SIOS Technology Corp.
For the details, please refer to Amazon Route 53 Documentation.
*Note: LifeKeeper 9.2.2 now supports IAM Role. If you upgrade LifeKeeper 9.2.1 or earlier to LifeKeeper 9.2.2 or later, please follow the process described in How to make existing resources support IAM Role
*Note: Amazon Web Services, the “Powered by Amazon Web Services” logo, “AWS”, “Amazon EC2”, “EC2”, “Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud”, “Amazon Route 53”, “Amazon Virtual Private Cloud”, and “Amazon VPC” are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.