Before you Begin

Ensure the following:

  1. If you are not familiar with installing and configuring Apache, please refer to the Apache documentation
  2. Apache should not be running at the time you attempt to protect it with LifeKeeper.

Primary Server

  1. Install Apache.

a. This example assumes that you are running a RHEL or CentOS 5.X based Linux distribution. For other Linux distros, please refer to your apache documentation for syntax differences.

b. If the Apache and PHP packages are not already installed, from the command line, , run: “yum install httpd php”

c. A number of dependencies will most likely be discovered. Install those as well.

  1. Apache should be configured so that it will not automatically start when the server boots. LifeKeeper will control the start/stop of the webserver once its protected

a. Check the status of the webserver: “/etc/init.d/httpd status

b. If running, please stop of: /etc/init.d/httpd stop

c. Disable automatic startup: chkconfig httpd off

  1. Apache Configuration. In this example, we will assume default Apache settings and directory locations, specifically:

a. Validate the following settings in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

i. ServerRoot “/etc/httpd”

ii. DocumentRoot “/var/www/html”

iii. Listen (note is the Apache Switchable IP we will configure later in the LifeKeeper user interface)

b. Edit the Listen parameter in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf configuration file

i. Listen

  1. Create a sample Index page:

a. vi /var/www/html/index.php

b. Insert the following single line of code into this file:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

Secondary Server

  1. Install Apache/PHP exactly as you did on the primary server, making all of the same configuration changes.
  2. There is no need to perform Step #4 in which you create a sample index page. All data in /var/www will be replicated from LinuxPrimary to LinuxSecondary
  3. Stop all Apache services on the secondary server



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