The error messages that might be displayed during Apache hierarchy extension are listed below, along with a suggested explanation for each. Note that these error messages appear when the GUI indicates it is “Executing the pre-extend script….” to validate the hierarchy prior to extending it to the new system.

Each will be preceded by an error message like:

“Error – canextend(template_server, tag, app_type/resource_type, target_server) -”.

Each will be followed by an error message like:

“Error – extmgr(template_server, tag, target_tag, target_server) -”.

During Validation of Web Server Binary Location

See errors listed for validation of Web Server Binary Location under Hierarchy Creation Errors.

During Validation of the Apache Configuration File on the Target System

“Cannot find Apache configuration file at $CONF_FILE on $TARGET_SYS.”

Must have a valid Apache configuration file at conf/httpd.conf relative to Server Root directory specified.

“DocumentRoot directory “$doc” in $CONF_FILE on $TARGET_SYS was not found in the configuration file on $TEMPLATE_SYS.”


“DocumentRoot directory “$doc” in $CONF_FILE on $TEMPLATE_SYS was not found in the configuration file on $TARGET_SYS.”

While comparing the configuration files on target and template servers, one or more DocumentRoot directories were found which do not match between the two. Check the details of the error messages displayed to determine the differences between the two. Note that if a DocumentRoot directory path is typed incorrectly, you will generally see both of these error messages, since each configuration file will appear to have an entry not in the other file.

“IP:port combination “$ipp” in $CONF_FILE on $TARGET_SYS was not found in the configuration file on $TEMPLATE_SYS.”


“IP:port combination “$ipp” in $CONF_FILE on $TEMPLATE_SYS was not found in the configuration file on $TARGET_SYS.”

While comparing the configuration files on target and template servers, one or more IP/port combinations were configured for use on one server but not on the other. Note that the IP/port combinations used may be specified in terms of IP addresses, ports, and domain names using a variety of Apache configuration directives. It is the actual IP/port combinations used which are compared, not the directives used to specify them. Check the details of the error messages displayed to determine the differences between the two.

“SSLCertificateKeyFile “$file” in $CONF_FILE on $SYS1 was not found in the configuration file on $SYS2.”

The filename specified for the SSLCertificateKeyFile in the Apache configuration file on the target system does not match the one specified on the template system. These configurations must be identical. This message applies only in an environment where the SSL module is used with Apache.

“Apache SSLCertificateKeyFile exists on $SYS1 but not on $SYS2.”

The SSLCertificateKeyFile specified in the Apache configuration files exists on one system, but not on the other. The file must be present on both nodes. This message applies only in an environment where the SSL module is used with Apache.

“WARNING: PHP configuration file $PHP_CONFIG appears to be different on $SYS1 and $SYS2.”

The configuration file for the PHP module on the target system is not identical to the one on the template system. Inspect the configuration on both servers to ensure that they are the same. This message applies only in an environment where the PHP module is used with Apache.

During Apache Resource Hierarchy Creation on Target Server

See errors listed for Apache resource hierarchy creation under Hierarchy Creation Errors.



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