You can set up the SAP Recovery Kit through the use of the command line.
Creating an SAP Resource from the Command Line
From the Primary Server, execute the following command:
$LKROOT/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/sap/bin/create <primary sys> <tag> <SAP SID> <SAP Instance> <switchback type> <IP Tag> <Protection Level> <Recovery Level> <Additional SAP Dependents>
$LKROOT/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/sap/bin/create liono SAP-STC_SCS00 STC SCS00 intelligent ip-sap10 Full Full none
- Switchback Type – This dictates how the SAP instance will be switched back to this server when it comes back into service after a failover to the backup server. You can choose either Intelligent or Automatic. Intelligent switchback requires administrative intervention to switch the instance back to the primary/original server. Automatic switchback means the switchback will occur as soon as the primary server comes back on line and re-establishes LifeKeeper communication paths.
- IP Tag – This represents the IP resource that will become a dependent of the SAP resource hierarchy.
- Protection Level – The Protection Level represents the actions that are allowed for each resource.
- Recovery Level – The Recovery Level provides instruction for the resource in the event of a failure.
- Additional SAP Dependents – This value represents the LifeKeeper SAP resource tag that will become a dependent of the current SAP resource being created.
Extending the SAP Resource from the Command Line
Extending the SAP Resource copies an existing hierarchy from one server and creates a similar hierarchy on another LifeKeeper server. To extend your resource via the command line, execute the following command:
system “$LKROOT/lkadm/bin/ -p 1 -f, \”$tag\” \”$backupnode\”
\”$priority\” \”$switchback\” \\\”$sapbundle\\\”“;
Example: Using a simple script for usability and ease.
require “/etc/default/”;
my $lkroot=”$ENV{LKROOT}”;
my $tag=“SAP”;
my $backupnode=“snarf”;
my $switchback=“INTELLIGENT”;
my $priority=10;
$sapbundle = “\”$tag\”,\”$tag\”“;
system “$lkroot/lkadm/bin/ -p 1 -f,
\”$tag\” \”$backupnode\”
\”$priority\” \”$switchback\” \\\”$sapbundle\\\”“;