Follow the instructions in your SAP DB / MaxDB User Manual to create your database. In addition, please note the following recommendations:

  • There must be a DBM operator with authority for starting, stopping, obtaining status and obtaining database parameters via client utilities.
  • The database instance data device spaces (data devspaces), log device spaces (log devspaces) and system device spaces (sys devspaces) must reside on a shared disk (either shared file system, or shared raw device).
  • The SAP DB / MaxDB database name should contain alphanumeric characters only.
  • A User_Key is required for use by the SAP DB / Max DB Recovery Kit during operation with the DBMCLI utility. See Create the User_Key for required parameters.
  • After creating your database, you should disable automatic startup of the SAP DB / MaxDB database instance. Once under SPS protection, SPS will handle the start and stop of the database.
  • The SAP_DBTech.ini file must exist on all servers in /usr/spool/sql/ini. If this file does not exist, several SAP DB / MaxDB utilities may return erroneous results. This will also affect the behavior of SPS during resource create and extension. In an Active/Standby configuration, you must manually copy this file to the backup server. (Please disregard for MaxDB 7.8 as this directory and file no longer exist.)
  • For version 7.5.x, verify the databases.inifile exists on all servers in the IndepDataPath/config directory.



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