By default, the LifeKeeper IP Recovery Kit monitors IP resources by executing a broadcast ping on the IP addresses logical subnet, then listening for replies. For this test to work properly, at least one additional non-LifeKeeper system capable of responding to broadcast pings must exist on the physical network, with an IP address on the same logical subnet as the IP resource. A router on the same logical subnet is usually sufficient to meet this need. Note that the default configuration of many devices is to not respond to broadcast pings, so it may be neccessary to change the configuration of at least one device.
If this requirement cannot be met, you can choose to either disable the broadcast ping test completely, or you can configure a static list of IP addresses that should be pinged as an alternative to the broadcast ping test mechanism. See the Adjusting IP Recovery Kit Tunable Values and Viewing/Editing IP Configuration Properties topics for more information about how to configure these options.