If the Postfix queue directory and Mailbox Spool directory are on the same file system (LUN) on the shared disk, both directories are protected by creating the Postfix resource hierarchy and extending the Postfix resource hierarchy to another server in your cluster. If your spool directory is on another file system (LUN), you must create a file system resource for Mailbox Spool and create a dependency for the resource.

To create a resource instances and create dependencies for your Mailbox Spool directory, you should complete the following step:

  1. Mount file system for your Mailbox Spool Directory.
  1. From the LifeKeeper GUI menu, select Edit, then Server. From the drop down menu, select Create Resource Hierarchy.
  1. Select File System from the drop down listing.
  1. Select Switchback Type.
  1. Select the Primary Server.
  1. Select the Mount Point for the file system resource hierarchy.
  1. Select or enter Root Tag.

Through this process, the file system resource is created on the primary server, and you must extend it to backup servers. Next, create dependencies for each file system resources to the Postfix resource. You should refer Creating Resource Dependency section of LifeKeeper for Linux Technical Documentation for specific instructions on how to create dependencies.



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