The scsi and gen directories each contain a resources subdirectory. The content of those directories provides a list of the resource types provided by LifeKeeper:

scsi resource types. You find these resource types in the /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/scsi/resources directory. Note that there may be additional directories depending upon your configuration.

    • device —disk partitions or virtual disk devices
    • disk —physical disks or LUNs
    • hostadp —host adapters

gen resource types. You find these resource types in the /opt/LifeKeeper/subsys/gen/resources directory:

    • filesys —file systems
    • app —generic or user-defined applications that may depend upon additional resources

Each resource type directory contains one or more of the following:

    • instances. This file reflects the permanent information saved in the LCD about resource instances. It contains descriptive information for the resource instances associated with this resource type.
    • recovery. This optional directory contains the programs used to attempt the local recovery of a resource for which a failure has been detected. The recovery directory contains directories that correspond to event classes passed to sendevent. The names of the directories must match the class parameter (-C) passed to the sendevent program. (See LifeKeeper Alarming and Recovery.)

In each subdirectory, the application can place recovery programs that service event types of the corresponding event class. The name of these programs must match the string passed to sendevent with the -E parameter. This optional directory may not exist for many applications.

    • actions. This directory contains the set of recovery action programs that act only on resource instances of the specific resource type. If, for your application, any actions apply to all resource types within an application, place them in an actions subdirectory under the application directory rather than under the resource type directory.

Recovery direction software is used to modify or recover a resource instance. Two actions, remove and restore, must exist in the actions directory for each resource type.

Resource Actions

The actions directory for a resource type contains the programs (most often shell scripts) that describe specific application functions. Two actions are required for every resource type—restore and remove.

The remove and restore programs should perform symmetrically opposite functions; that is, they undo the effect of one another. These scripts should never be run manually. They should only be run by executing the LifeKeeper Recovery Action and Control Interface (LRACI) perform_action shell program described in the LRACI-perform_action (1M) manual page.



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