Testing Client Connectivity

To test client connectivity, perform the following steps:

  1. On the primary server, use the amqsbcgc command to connect to the queue manager:


Note: Replace the IP with the LifeKeeper protected virtual IP of the queue manager. If your queue manager uses a different port other than 1414, then replace the port number 1414 with the one being used. If the server connection channel being used is not the default SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN channel, then replace the server connection channel SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN with the one being used.

You should see the following output:

mqm@node1:/opt/mqm/samp/bin> ./amqsbcgc LIFEKEEPER.TESTQUEUE TEST.QM

AMQSBCG0 – starts here


No more messages

If you get a message like the following, then the test queue LIFEKEEPER.TESTQUEUE is not configured. Create the test queue as described in section Configuring WebSphere MQ for Use with LifeKeeper and repeat the test.

AMQSBCG0 – starts here

MQOPEN failed with CompCode:2, Reason:2085

  1. Perform a switchover of the resource hierarchy.
  1. Repeat Step 1 on the same server as before which is now the standby server after the switchover.

Testing If PUT/GET Tests are Performed

To test if the WebSphere MQ Recovery kit performs all checks including the PUT/GET test, perform the following:

  1. Make sure the queue manager is in service (ISP) on any server.
  1. Increase the logging level of the queue manager as described in Changing the Log Level to “FINE”.
  1. Open the log dialog on the machine where the queue manager is active and wait for the next check to happen (max. two minutes).
  1. Analyze the log and verify that all checks are performed and none of the tests is skipped. The PUT/GET could be skipped for the following reasons:

a. No LifeKeeper test queue is configured (in this case, configure the test queue as described in Changing the LifeKeeper Test Queue Name).

b. LifeKeeper test queue does not exist (in this case, create the test queue as described in Configuring WebSphere MQ for Use with LifeKeeper).

c. The modified amqsget© executables are not available (in this case, install a C compiler and rerun the script /opt/LifeKeeper/lkadm/subsys/appsuite/mqseries/bin/compilesamples).

  1. Set the debug level to “INFORMATIONAL” again.



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