The SteelEye Management Console software components can be installed from either a CD/DVD or from the ISO img file containing the CD image. All software procedures from this point must be run as the root user.
In either case, the CD or ISO img file must be mounted. The CD can be mounted in the usual way and the img file can be mounted via the loopback device with a command like:
mount -o loop <path-to>/smc.img /mnt
(/mnt can be any location suitable for mounting the image)
Installing the Software
Once the image is mounted, the installation can be started via:
cd /mnt; ./setup
The setup tool will guide the installation process and the following will occur to set up the software components:
- System packages will be upgraded and/or removed to ensure that there are no packages on the system that conflict with the SMC components. This process includes removing the pre-installed webserver and components that depend on it. This process can take several minutes.
- Next, the setup tool will install/upgrade SIOS packages for all the SMC software components. This can also take several minutes and will include other required changes to the system, and in particular, changes to the iptables firewall configuration to allow clients to communicate with the SMC. The iptables configuration will be altered to allow HTTP traffic into the SMC server on TCP/IP port 80 and 443.
- Finally, the setup tool will install the required VMware SDK package. This will require agreeing to the VMware SDK end-user license. The SDK install will prompt for a file path for tool binaries to be installed. SIOS Technology Corp. recommends accepting the default location for these files.
Base vCenter and Credential Configuration
After the software components are installed, the setup tool will configure the vSphere Client plug-in and the default credentials for SIOS LifeKeeper Single Server Protection node communication. The following will happen to conclude the setup process:
- The setup tool will ask for the vCenter server name, user and password. This information will be used to register the vSphere Client plug-in provided by this SMC server with the given vCenter. After this step, the vCenter server should provide an additional tab for the plug-in. The plug-in can be re-registered or unregistered anytime after the initial installation and the details of that process can be found on the Configuring the vSphere Client Plug-in page.
- Last, the setup tool will ask for the default credentials to use when communicating with SIOS LifeKeeper Single Server Protection nodes. These credentials will be stored on the SMC server and will be used to communicate with LifeKeeper Single Server Protection servers unless credentials specific to the given server have been configured. The default credentials must have admin access to the LifeKeeper Single Server Protection nodes (on a typical installation, the user must be in the lkadmin group in the local /etc/group file) to allow the SMC to fully manage the LifeKeeper Single Server Protection systems. In general, the default credentials would be the root user and password of the installed LKSSP node. Note: While storage of passwords are base64 encoded they are not encrypted in the LifeKeeper credstore database. It is advised to use another LKSSP system account that has membership in the lkadmin group.The Configuring Credentials page has more details on how to manage the credentials used by the SMC.
The setup process should now be complete. Please look over the Verifying Installation page for more information on validating that the software was installed and configured correctly.
Credential Considerations
The final step in the setup process above is to store the default credentials for accessing LifeKeeper Single Server Protection systems. Default credentials in this case refers to credentials that will be used to authenticate with LifeKeeper Single Server Protection systems if there are no per-system credentials configured for a system. The SMC will always fall back to using the default credentials.
For this reason, SIOS Technology Corp. recommends using the same credentials on all LifeKeeper Single Server Protection systems whenever possible to simplify the SMC configuration. This typically means using the root user on the LifeKeeper Single Server Protection systems, but any user that is common across all the systems will suffice as long as the user is in the lkadmin group.