Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.
Code | Severity | Message | Cause/Action |
126105 | ERROR | script not specified – $PTH is a directory | Cause: The specified script path is a directory. Action: Correct the path of the script. |
126110 | ERROR | script $PTH does not exist | Cause: The specified script path does not exist. Action: Correct the path of the script. |
126115 | ERROR | script $PTH is a zero length file | Cause: The specified script is an empty file. Action: Correct the script’s file path and check the contents inside the script. |
126117 | ERROR | script $PTH is not executable | Cause: The specified script is not executable. Action: Correct the script’s file path, check the contents inside the script file and make sure it has the proper execute permissions. |
126125 | ERROR | required template machine name is null | Cause: The input template machine name is null. Action: Correct the input template machine name. |
126130 | ERROR | required template resource tag name is null | Cause: The input template resource {tag} is null. Action: Correct the input template resource tag name. |
126135 | ERROR | Unable to generate a new tag | Cause: Failed to generate a new tag as the same as the template tag name on the target node using the "newtag" script during the extension. The tag name is already existing. Action: Avoid using duplicate tag name on the same node and check the log for detail. |
126140 | ERROR | Unable to generate a new tag | Cause: Failed to generate a new tag as input target tag name on the target node using the "newtag" script during the extension. The tag name is already existing. Action: Avoid using duplicate tag name on the same node and check log for detail. |
126145 | ERROR | Unable to generate a new id | |
126150 | ERROR | unable to remote copy template \"$_lscript\" script file | Cause: Failed to remote copy template script file. The cause may be due to the non-existence/availability of template script file on template node or any transaction failure during "lcdrcp" process. Action: Check the existence/availability of template script and the connection to template node. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126155 | ERROR | failed to create resource instance on \"$TargetSysName\ | Cause: Failed to create resource instance using "ins_create". Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126160 | ERROR | failed to set resource instance state for \"$TargetTagName\" on \"$TargetSysName\ | Cause: Failed to set resource instance state using "ins_setstate" during GenApp resource extension. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126170 | ERROR | getlocks failure | Cause: Failed to get the administrative lock when creating a resource hierarchy. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126175 | ERROR | instance create failed | Cause: Failed to create a GenApp instance using "appins". Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126180 | ERROR | unable to set state to OSU | Cause: Failed to set resource instance state using "ins_setstate" during GenApp resource creation. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126190 | ERROR | resource restore has failed | Cause: Failed to restore GenApp resource. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126200 | ERROR | create application hierarchy rlslocks failure | Cause: Failed to release lock after GenApp resource created. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126210 | ERROR | copy $ltype script $lscript failure | Cause: Failed to copy user provided script to appropriate GenApp directory during resource creation. Action: Check the existence/availability of user provided script and the GenApp directory as well. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126215 | ERROR | no $ltype script specified | Cause: Missing user defined script during GenApp resource creation. Action: Check the input action script and run resource creation again. |
126220 | ERROR | no machine name specified | Cause: Missing specified machine name during GenApp resource creation. Failed to copy specified user script due to missing the input for machine name. Action: Check the input for machine name and run resource creation again. |
126225 | ERROR | no resource tag specified | Cause: Missing specified tag name during resource creation. Action: Check the input for source tag name and run resource creation again. |
126230 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Script was terminated for unknown reason | Cause: Failed to extend GenApp resource due to unknown reason. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126235 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Required template machine name is null | Cause: Missing the input for template machine name during GenApp resource extension. Action: Check the input for template machine name and do the resource extension again. |
126240 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Required template resource tag name is null | Cause: Missing the input for template resource tag name during GenApp resource extension. Action: Check the input for template resource tag name and do the resource extension again. |
126245 | ERROR | $ERRMSG Can not access extend for $AppType/$ResType resources on machine \"$TargetSysName\ | Cause: Failed to locate "extend" script during GenApp resource extension on target node. Action: Check the existence/availability of "extend" script and do GenApp resource extension again. |
126250 | ERROR | create application failure – ins_list failed | Cause: Failed when calling "ins_list" during GenApp resource creation. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126255 | ERROR | create application failure – unable to generate a new tag | Cause: Failed to generate a new tag during the GenApp resource creation. Action: Avoid using duplicate tag name on the same node. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126260 | ERROR | create application failure – unable to create a new id | |
126270 | ERROR | create application failure – ins_create failed | Cause: Failed using "ins_create" to create GenApp instance. Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126275 | ERROR | create application failure – copy_actions failed | Cause: Failed using "copy_actions" to copy user specified template script file. Action: Check the existence/availability of template script. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126290 | ERROR | Unable to obtain tag for resource with id $ID | Cause: Failed to fetch GenApp resource tag name by input ID during recovery. Action: Check the correctness of input ID and existance/availability of GenApp resource in LCD. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. |
126300 | ERROR | generic application recover script for $TAG was not found or was not executable | Cause: Failed to locate the user defined script for GenApp resource during recovery. Action: Check the existence/availability of the user defined script and do the GenApp recovery process again. |
126310 | ERROR | -t flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource restore. Action: Check the input for resource tag name and do resource restore again. |
126315 | ERROR | -i flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource internal id during GenApp resource restore. Action: Check the input for resource internal id and do resource restore again. |
126327 | ERROR | END timeout restore of \"$TAG\" (forcibly terminating) | |
126335 | ERROR | restore script \"$LCDAS/$APP_RESTOREDIR/$TAG\" was not found or is not executable | Cause: Failed to locate the user defined script for GenApp resource during restore. Action: Check the existence/availability of the user defined script and do the GenApp restore process again. |
126340 | ERROR | -t flag not specified | Cause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource remove. Action: Check the input for resource tag name and do resource remove again. |
Cause: Missing the input for resource internal id during GenApp resource remove.
Action: Check the input for resource internal id and do resource remove again.
126357 ERROR END timeout remove of \"$TAG\" (forcibly terminating) 126365 ERROR remove script \"$LCDAS/$APP_REMOVEDIR/$TAG\" was not found or was not executableCause: Failed to locate the user defined script for GenApp resource during remove.
Action: Check the existence/availability of the user defined script and do the GenApp remove process again.
126375 ERROR Script has hung checking \"$tag\". Forcibly terminating.Cause: The "quickCheck" Script will be forcibly terminated for GenApp resource with tag name {tag} due to a waiting time over the user defined timeout.
Action: Check the GenApp resource performance and restart quickChecking. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.
126380 ERROR Usage error: no tag specifiedCause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource quickCheck.
Action: Check the input for resource tag name and retry resource quickCheck.
126385 ERROR Internal error: ins_list failed on $tag.Cause: Failed using "ins_list" to fetch the GenApp resource information by input tag name during the quickCheck process.
Action: Correct the input tag name and do the quickCheck process again. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.
126390 FATAL Failed to fork process to execute $userscript: $!Cause: Failed to fork process to execute user defined "quickCheck" script during the GenApp resource "quickCheck" process.
Action: Check the existency/availability of the user defined "quickCheck" script and do the "quickCheck" process again.
126391 ERROR quickCheck has failed for \"$tag\". Starting recovery.Cause: The GenApp resource with tag name {tag} is determined to be failed by using the user defined health monitoring script – "quickCheck" and the recovery process will be initiated.
Action: Check the performance of the GenApp resource when local recovery finished. Also check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.
126392 WARN ${convtag}_TIMEOUT: This parameter is old. This parameter will not be supported soon. 126400 ERROR -t flag not specifiedCause: Missing the input for resource tag name during GenApp resource deletion process.
Action: Check the input for resource tag name and do resource deletion process again.
126405 ERROR -i flag not specifiedCause: Missing the input for resource internal id during GenApp resource deletion process.
Action: Check the input for resource internal id and do resource deletion process again.
126478 ERROR Failed to create tag \’$new_leaf\’.Cause: The ‘creapphier’ utility failed to create the specified tag.
Action: Check /var/log/lifekeeper.log for additional messages from ‘creapphier’.
126479 ERROR Failed to extend tag \’$new_leaf\’.Action: Check /var/log/lifekeeper.log for additional errors from extend manager.
126481 ERROR Failed to create dependency on \’$sys\’ for \’$new_leaf\’ to \’$hier{$leaf}{$sys}{‘Tag’}\’.Action: Check /var/log/lifekeeper.log for errors from the ‘dep_create’ function
126484 ERROR Tag \’$root_tag\’ is not in-service.Cause: The specified tag is not in-service on any node in the cluster.
Action: Bring the specified tag in-service on any node in the cluster and re-run ‘create_terminal_leaf’.
126485 ERROR Tag \’$root_tag_1\’ was not found, select the root tag for a hierarchy to add a terminal leaf resource.Cause: The first tag passed to ‘create_terminal_leaf’ was not found on the system where the utility was run.
Action: Verify each node is in-service on a node in the cluster and fully extended to all nodes.
126486 ERROR Unable to create leaf tag from \’$tag\’.Cause: A unique terminal leaf tag could not be created. A unique terminal leaf tag could not be created after 100 tries.
Action: Check for multiple leaf tags and for errors in /var/log/lifekeeper.log that may indicate the problem.
126487 ERROR Tag \’$root_tag_2\’ was not found, select the root tag for a hierarchy to add a terminal leaf resource.Cause: The second tag passed to ‘create_terminal_leaf’ was not found on the system where the utility was run.
Action: Verify each node is in-service on a node in the cluster and fully extended to all nodes.
126488 ERROR Tag \’$root_tag_1’ is not extended to 3 or more systems.Cause: The specified tag is not extended to 3 or more nodes.
Action: Extend the specified tag to at least 3 nodes and retry ‘create_terminal_leaf’.