Use Control F to search for a specific error code in each catalog. To search for any error code, select the Search button at the top right of the screen.

Code Severity Message Cause/Action
103001 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The db2nodes.cfg does not contain any server names.

Action: Ensure the db2nodes.cfg is valid.

103002 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the version for the requested instance "%s"

Cause: "db2level" command did not return DB2 version.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103003 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103004 ERROR Unable to get the information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103005 ERROR Unable to get the information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103006 ERROR Unable to get the instance information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance information.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103007 ERROR Unable to get the instance home directory information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance home directory path.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103008 ERROR Unable to get the instance type information for resource "%s"

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit found invalid instance type.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103009 ERROR LifeKeeper has encountered an error while trying to get the database configuration parameters for database \"$DB\"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "db2 get db cfg for $DB" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103012 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to start the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested startup of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" operation.

103013 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to start the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested startup of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" operation.

103015 ERROR An entry for the home directory "%s" of instance "%s" does not exist in "/etc/fstab"

Cause: The home directory of instance of Multiple Partition database should exist in "/etc/fstab".

Action: Ensure the home directory exists in "/etc/fstab".

103016 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to mount the home directory for the DB2 instance "%s"

Cause: Failed to mount the home directory of instance of Multiple Partition database.

Action: Ensure the home directory is mounted and retry the operation.

103017 ERROR Unable to get the instance nodes information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance nodes.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103018 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to start database partition server "%s" for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested startup of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "restore" operation.

103020 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to stop the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested shutdown of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "remove" operation.

103021 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to stop the database server for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested shutdown of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "remove" operation.

103023 ERROR Unable to get the instance nodes information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance nodes.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103024 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to stop database partition server "%s" for instance "%s"

Cause: The requested shutdown of the DB2 instance failed.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "remove" operation.

103026 ERROR Unable to get the instance nodes information for resource "%s"

Cause: Failed to get the instance nodes.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103027 FATAL The argument for the DB2 instance is empty

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the create operation.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103028 FATAL Unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

103029 FATAL Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103030 FATAL LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103031 ERROR The path "%s" is not on a shared filesystem

Cause: The instance home directory should be on a shared filesystem.

Action: Ensure the path is on shared filesystem and retry the create operation.

103032 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the DB tablespace containers for instance "%s" or the log path for one of its databases

Cause: LifeKeeper could not determine the location of the database table space containers or verify that they are located in a path which is on a mounted filesystem.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

103033 ERROR The path "%s" is not on a shared filesystem

Cause: The path of database table space container should be on a shared filesystem.

Action: Ensure database table space container is on a shared filesystem and retry the operation.

103034 ERROR A DB2 Hierarchy already exists for instance "%s"

Cause: An attempt was made to protect the DB2 instance that is already under LifeKeeper protection.

Action: You must select a different DB2 instance for LifeKeeper protection.

103035 ERROR The file system resource "%s" is not in-service

Cause: The file system which the DB2 resource depends on should be in service.

Action: Ensure the file system resource is in service and retry the "create" operation.

103036 ERROR Unable to create the hierarchy for raw device "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to create the resource {raw device} .

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. You must correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

103037 ERROR A RAW hierarchy does not exist for the tag "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the raw resource {tag} .

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103038 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to create a dependency between the DB2 hierarchy "%s" and the Raw hierarchy "%s"

Cause: The requested dependency creation between the parent DB2 resource and the child Raw resource failed.

Action: Check adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors before retrying the "create" operation.

103039 ERROR LifeKeeper could not disable the automatic startup feature of DB2 instance "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the DB2 setting.

Action: The DB2AUTOSTART will need to be updated manually to turn off the automatic startup of the instance at system boot.

103040 ERROR DB2 version "%s" is not installed on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find DB2 installed location.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103041 ERROR The instance owner "%s" does not exist on target server "%s"

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the DB2 instance owner from template server during a "canextend" or "extend" operation failed.

Action: Verify the DB2 instance owner exists on the specified server. If the user does not exist, it should be created with the same uid and gid on all servers in the cluster.

103042 ERROR The instance owner "%s" uids are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The user id on the target server {target server} for the DB2 instance owner {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The user ids for the DB2 instance owner {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The user id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103043 ERROR The instance owner "%s" gids are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The group id on the target server {target server} for the DB2 instance owner {user} does not match the value of the user {user} on the template server {template server}.

Action: The group ids for the DB2 instance owner {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The group id mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103044 ERROR The instance owner "%s" home directories are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The home directory location of the user {user} on the target server {target server} does not match the DB2 instance owner’s home directory on the template server {template server}.

Action: The home directory location of the DB2 instance owner {user} must match on all servers in the cluster. The location mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103045 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the DB2 "SVCENAME" parameter for the DB2 instance

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "db2 get dbm cfg" command.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103046 ERROR Unable to get the value of the DB2 "SVCENAME" parameter for the DB2 instance %s.

Cause: The DB2 "SVCENAME" parameter is set to null.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103047 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the contents of the "/etc/services" file on the server "%s"

Cause: "/etc/services" on the template server does not contain the service names for the DB2 instance.

Action: The service names in "/etc/services" for the DB2 instance must match on all servers in the cluster. The service names mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103048 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to get the contents of the "/etc/services" file on the server "%s"

Cause: "/etc/services" on the target server does not contain the service names for the DB2 instance.

Action: The service names in "/etc/services" for the DB2 instance must match on all servers in the cluster. The service names mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103049 ERROR The "/etc/services" entries for the instance "%s" are different on target server "%s" and template server "%s"

Cause: The "/etc/services" entries for the instance are mismatched.

Action: The service names in "/etc/services" for the DB2 instance must match on all servers in the cluster. The service names mismatch should be corrected manually on all servers before retrying the "canextend" operation.

103050 ERROR The home directory "%s" for instance "%s" is not mounted on server "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper could not find db2nodes.cfg for Multiple Partition instance.

Action: Ensure the home directory is mounted and retry the operation.

103051 ERROR Error getting resource information for resource "%s" on server "%s"

Cause: Failed to get resource information from the template server.

Action: Check your LifeKeeper configuration.

103052 ERROR LifeKeeper was unable to add instance "%s" and/or its variables to the DB2 registry

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "db2iset" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103053 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103054 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103055 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103056 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103058 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103059 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103060 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

103061 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103062 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find the node for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103063 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 install path

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find DB2 for the instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103064 ERROR Usage: nodes -t tag -a add_nodenum | nodes -t tag -d delete_nodenum | nodes -t tag -p
103065 ERROR Invalid input provided for "%s" utility operation, characters are not allowed.

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "nodes" command.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103066 ERROR Unable to get the information for resource "%s"

Cause: LifeKeeper was unable to find the resource {tag}.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103067 ERROR The DB2 instance "%s" is not a EEE or Multiple Partition instance

Cause: The resource {tag} is single partition instance.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103069 ERROR Node "%s" is already protected by this hierarchy

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "nodes" command.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103070 ERROR Node number "%s" is the last remaining node protected by resource "%s". Deleting all nodes is not allowed.

Cause: Invalid parameters were specified for the "nodes" command.

Action: Verify the parameters and retry the operation.

103071 ERROR LifeKeeper is unable to get the equivalent instance for resource "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "nodes" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103072 ERROR Unable to set NodesInfo for resource "%s" on "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "nodes" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103073 ERROR Unable to set NodesInfo for resource "%s" on "%s"

Cause: There was an unexpected error running "nodes" command.

Action: Check the logs for related errors and try to resolve the reported problem.

103074 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103075 ERROR Usage: %s instance
103076 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance type

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance type.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103077 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.

103078 ERROR The database server is not running for instance "%s"

Cause: A process check for the DB2 instance did not find any processes running.

Action: The DB2 instance must be started.

103079 ERROR LifeKeeper has detected an error while trying to determine the node number(s) of the DB partition server(s) for the instance

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to find any nodes for the DB2 instance.

Action: Check your DB2 configuration.

103080 ERROR One or more of the database partition servers for instance "%s" is down

Cause: All database partition servers should be running.

Action: Ensure all database partition servers are running and retry the operation.

103081 ERROR DB2 local recovery detected another recovery process in progress for "%s" and will exit.
103082 ERROR Failed to create flag "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to create a flag for controlling DB2 local recovery processing.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

103083 ERROR Failed to remove flag "%s"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred attempting to remove a flag for controlling DB2 local recovery processing.

Action: Check the adjacent log messages for further details and related messages. Correct any reported errors.

103084 ERROR Unable to determine the DB2 instance \"$Instance\" home directory

Cause: The DB2 Application Recovery Kit was unable to determine the DB2 instance home directory.

Action: Ensure the instance owner name is same as the instance name and retry the operation.



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