The PostgreSQL Recovery Kit supports the transparent data encryption provided by FUJITSU Software Enterprise Postgres as long as the following requirements are met.

  • Do not use database multiplexing mode
  • Tablespace directories are located on a drive (shared or mirrored disk) protected by volume resources
  • Use the same master encryption key on both nodes
  • Set auto-open on both nodes

The following settings are recommended:

  • Place the keystore storage directory on the local drive (C: drive) of the primary node and secondary node.

Perform the following steps:

  1. [On a primary node] Create a keystore storage folder and allow Administrator access
    mkdir c:\key\store\inst1
  2. [On a primary node] Create a folder for a tablespace and allow Administrator access
    mkdir d:\tablespace\inst1
  3. [On a primary node] Edit \inst1\postgresql.conf and add the following lines
    keystore_location = 'C:\\key\\store\\inst1'
  4. Take the PostgreSQL resource out of service and then bring it back in service.
  5. [On a primary node] Set the master encryption key
    psql -d postgres
    SELECT pgx_set_master_key('<password>');
  6. [On a primary node] Create a tablespace
    psql -d postgres
    CREATE TABLESPACE secure_tablespace LOCATION 'D:\tablespace\inst1' WITH (tablespace_encryption_algorithm = 'AES256' );
    SELECT spcname, spcencalgo FROM pg_tablespace ts, pgx_tablespaces tsx WHERE ts.oid = tsx.spctablespace;
  7. [On a primary node] Create a table
    psql -d postgres
    CREATE TABLE table02 (id integer,  name varchar(10)) TABLESPACE secure_tablespace;
  8. [On a primary node] Set auto-open
    pgx_keystore --enable-auto-open C:\key\store\inst1\keystore.ks
  9. Switchover a PostgreSQL resource hierarchy to the secondary node
  10. [On a secondary node] Create a keystore storage folder and allow Administrator access
  11. [On a secondary node] Create a folder for a tablespace and allow Administrator access
  12. [On a secondary node] Copy the keystore file (C:\key\store\inst1\keystore.ks) from the primary node
  13. [On a secondary node] Set auto-open
  14. Switchover the PostgreSQL resource hierarchy to the primary node


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