Create the following NAT so that the VM instances on the private subnet have internet access.

NAT Configuration Values List (Cloud Router)

Network Region Cloud Router
Name Network Region
lk-vpc asia-northeast1 lk-router lk-vpc asia-northeast1

NAT Configuration Values (NAT mapping)

NAT mapping
Source (internal) NAT IP address
Custom Subnet name IP address range Automatic
lk-private all
  1. From the navigation menu, select Network services > Cloud NAT and click GET STARTED or CREATE NATGATEWAY.

  1. Enter the Gateway name (”lk-nat”), select the VPC network and Region. Choose Create new router under Cloud Router.

  1. Under Create a router section, enter the name and click Create.

  1. Under NAT mapping, set the Source (internal) to Custom and the Subnet name to the private subnet. Set the IP ranges to Selected: all and set the NAT IP addresses to Automatic (recommended), then click Create.

  1. The NAT gateway has now been created.


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