This section provides a list of messages from the scripts. Each message is logged in the event log. DEBUG messages can be output by setting the debug flag or debug_gen-lb flag.

127001 ERROR Daemon already started. Restore process failed because the daemon is already started.
127002 ERROR Socket open failed. Opening Socket failed (e.g., the specified port is already used).
127003 ERROR Health probe not received. During the restore process, no probe from a Load Balancer was received within $HC_TIMEOUT seconds.
127004 DEBUG Health check received. During the restore process, a probe from a Load Balancer was received.
127005 ERROR Daemon stat failed. Failed to start the daemon.
127006 ERROR Health probe not received. While the daemon is waiting for a probe, no probe is received from a Load Balancer for $HC_TIMEOUT seconds.
127007 DEBUG Health check received. While the daemon was waiting for a probe, a probe from a Load Balancer was received.
127008 INFO Daemon already stopped. During the remove process, the daemon has already been stopped.
127009 ERROR Resource out of service. During quickCheck, the resource is not In Service (ISP).
127010 ERROR Daemon not running. During quickCheck, the daemon is not running.
127011 ERROR Failed to accept the health probe:$! Failed to accept a probe for some reason.
127012 ERROR Port number is not valid. Restore failed because the specified port is not available.


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