Perform the following steps on the primary server:
- From the Edit menu, select Server, then Create Resource Hierarchy. The Create Resource Wizard dialog will appear.
- Select SAP HANA from the drop-down list and click Next.
- Select intelligent as the Switchback Type to be used for the SAP HANA resource. Click Next.
Intelligent Switchback means that after a failover to the backup server, an administrator must manually switch the SAP HANA resource back to the primary server. CAUTION: This release of SPS does not support Automatic Switchback for SAP HANA resources. Additionally, the Automatic Switchback restriction is applicable for any other LifeKeeper resource with a dependency on a SAP HANA resource.
- Select the Server on which the SAP HANA resource will be created. When creating the initial SAP HANA resource, the server chosen at this step must be the one on which the database is currently registered as primary master in SAP HANA System Replication. Click Next.
- Select the SAP HANA SID under which the SAP HANA database is installed. Click Next.
- Select the SAP HANA Instance to be protected by LifeKeeper. Click Next.
- Select the Dependent Virtual IP resource to be protected by LifeKeeper. The IP resource must already exist and be in-service on the selected server in order to appear in the list. Select none if switching over of the virtual IP/host name on failover or switchover will be managed without using a LifeKeeper IP resource. Click Next.
- Select whether to Enable or Disable Local Recovery for the SAP HANA resource on the chosen server. In some situations when using SAP HANA System Replication, especially when protecting a large database instance, after detection of a failure on the primary database host it may be faster to switch over to the running standby database instance rather than attempt to stop and restart the database on the current primary host. In order to disable all local recovery attempts for the SAP HANA resource on the chosen server, select Disable. Otherwise, select Enable.
- Enter the SAP HANA Resource Tag to be used to identify the SAP HANA resource which will be created on the chosen server. The default tag name has the form HANA-<SID>_<HDB Instance>, but can be modified to use a different tag name as long as it is not currently being used to identify another LifeKeeper resource. Valid characters in tag names are letters, digits, and the following special characters: “-”, “_”, “.”, and “/”.
- Click Create. The Create Resource Wizard will then create your SAP HANA resource hierarchy. SPS will validate the data entered as well as data obtained from the SAP HANA System Replication framework. If a problem is detected, an error message will appear in the information box. Click Next.
- You should see a message indicating that you have successfully created an SAP HANA resource hierarchy and you must extend that hierarchy to another server in your cluster to achieve failover protection. Click Next.
- Click Continue. SPS will then launch the Pre-Extend Wizard. Refer to Extending an SAP HANA Resource Hierarchy for details on how to extend your resource hierarchy to another server.
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