GUI does not immediately update IP resource state after network is disconnected and then reconnected

When the primary network between servers in a cluster is disconnected and then reconnected, the IP resource state on a remote GUI client may take as long as 1 minute and 25 seconds to be updated due to a problem in the RMI/TCP layer.
Java Mixed Signed/Unsigned Code Warning – When loading the LifeKeeper Java GUI client applet from a remote system, the following security warning may be displayed:

Enter “Run” and the following dialog will be displayed:

Block? Enter “No” and the LifeKeeper GUI will be allowed to operate.

Recommended Actions: To reduce the number of security warnings, you have two options:
  1. Check the “Always trust content from this publisher” box and select “Run”. The next time the LifeKeeper GUI Java client is loaded, the warning message will not be displayed.


  2. Add the following entry to your Java “” file to eliminate the second dialog about blocking. The security warning will still be displayed when you load the Java client, however, the applet will not be blocked and the Block “Yes” or “No” dialog will not be displayed. Please note this setting will apply to all of your Java applets.

    To bypass both messages, implement 1 and 2.
steeleye-lighttpd process fails to start if Port 778 and 779 are in use

If a process is using Port 778 and 779 when steeleye-lighttpd starts up, steeleye-lighttpd fails which can cause GUI connect failiures and resource hierarchy extend issues.

Solution: Set the following tunables on all nodes in the cluster and then restart LifeKeeper on all the nodes:

Add the following lines to /etc/default/LifeKeeper:


where port_number is the new port to use.


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