ARK List


See the Configuring LifeKeeper section of the Apache Recovery Kit Administration Guide.

create apache

Option Default Description
--root <str> Full path of Apache Web Server root directory. Relative paths and symbolic links cannot be used.
--path <str> Full path name (including the file name) of Apache Web Server daemon.

extend apache

No options.

config apache

No options.


See the Configuring Resources section of SIOS DataKeeper for Linux for more information.

create dk

Option Default Description
--mode <str> Replication type
“synchronous” or “asynchronous”. Specify “synchronous” to limit replication to all targets to be synchronous.
[--bitmap <str>] /opt/LifeKeeper/bitmap_<tag name> Path of bitmap file used for an intent log. The bitmap file is required for asynchronous replication and recommended for synchronous replication. Refer to Creating a DataKeeper Resource Hierarchy for more information.
--hierarchy <str> The type of data replication to create.

Options vary depending on the type.

< new | existing | dronly >

--hierarchy new

Option Default Description
--device <str> Source disk or partition.
--fstype <str> File system type.
Only file system types supported by LifeKeeper can be specified.
--mount_point <str> New mount point for new file system.
--fstag <str> Tag name of the file system resource.

--hierarchy existing

Option Default Description
--mount_point <str> Mount point to mount on the primary server’s NetRAID device.
--fstag <str> Tag name of the file system resource.

--hierarchy dronly

Option Default Description
--device <str> Source disk or partition.

extend dk

Option Default Description
--mode <str> Replication type.
Specify “synchronous” or “asynchronous”.
--laddr Local IP address.
--raddr Remote IP address.
[--bitmap <str>] /opt/LifeKeeper/bitmap_< Tag name > Path of bitmap file used for an intent log.
[--device <str>] Same as the extension source. Target disk or partition.
[--fstag <str>] Tag name of the file system resource.

config dk

Option Default Description
--resync_speed_min <num> Set the minimum resync speed limit (KB/s).
--resync_speed_max <num> Set the maximum resynch speed limit (KB/s.)
--compression_level <num> Set the network compression level (0-9).


See LifeKeeper for Linux DB2 Recovery Kit Configuration Tasks for more details.

create db2

Option Default Description
--instance <str> DB2 instance
Specify the DB2 instance to protect.

extend db2

No options.

config db2

Nothing to configure.


See the Configuration section of the Recovery Kit for EC2 Administration Guide for more details.

create ec2

Option Default Description
--type <str> Specify the type of EC2 resource to be create.
Specify “RouteTable” to select a route table scenario, “Elastic IP” to select an Elastic IP scenario.

--type RouteTable

Option Default Description
--ip_resource <str> Specify the tag name of the IP resource created in advance.

--type ElasticIP

Option Default Description
--eip <str> The IP address of the Elastic IP you want to protect.
--dev <str> Network interface name to which EIP is attached.

extend ec2

No options.

config ec2

No options.


See Creating a File System Resource Hierarchy or Extending a File System Resource Hierarchy for more details.

create fs

Option Default Description
--mountpoint <str> Specify the mount point of the file system.

extend fs

Option Default Description
[--mountpoint <str>] Source system mount point. Specify the mount point of the file system.

config fs

Option Default Description
--mountopt <str> Specify the mount options for the file system.

Multipath Recovery Kits – DMMP / HDLM / NECSPS / PPATH

Generic Application

See Creating a Generic Application Resource Hierarchy or Extending a Generic Application Resource Hierarchy for more details.

create gen

Option Default Description
--restore <str> Specify the path of the restore script.
--remove <str> Specify the path of the remove script.
[--quickCheck <str>] Specify the path of the quickCheck script.
[--recover <str>] Specify the path of the recover script.
[--appinfo <str>] Specify optional information about the application.

extend gen

Option Default Description
[--appinfo <str>] Source system appinfo. Specify optional information about the application.

config gen

Option Default Description
[--restore <str>] | Specify the path of the restore script to be updated.
[--remove <str>] Specify the path of the remove script to be updated.
[--quickCheck <str>] Specify the path of the quickCheck script to be updated.
[--recover <str>] Specify the path of the recover script to be updated.
[--all <str>] No Specify Yes or No
  • Yes – Update scripts on all of the cluster nodes.
  • No – Update the script on the node where the command is executed.


See the Configuration section of the IP Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create ip

Option Default Description
--ipaddr <str> Virtual IP address.

If the actual IP address is to be protected, specify ’’.
[--netmask <str>] An appropriate value determined from ipaddr. Virtual IP netmask.

If ‘’ is specified for ipaddr, the network interface netmask specified for the device will be used.
[--device <str>] An appropriate value determined from ipaddr and netmask.

Note: If ‘’ is specified for ipaddr, this device must be specified.
Network interface name associated with the virtual IP or the actual IP.

extend ip

Option Default Description
[--ipaddr <str>] Source system ipaddr. Virtual IP address on the extension destination node.

If the actual IP address is to be protected, specify ’’.
[--netmask <str>] An appropriate value determined from ipaddr. Virtual IP netmask on the extension destination node.

If ‘’ is specified for ipaddr, the network interface netmask specified for the device will be used.
[--device <str>] An appropriate value determined from ipaddr and netmask.

Note: If ‘’ is specified for ipaddr, this device must be specified.
Network interface name associated with the virtual IP or the actual IP on the extension destination node.

config ip

Option Default Description
[--pinglist <str>] Ping the destination list for options (multiple designations are specified separated by comma).
[--srcaddr <str>] Specify 0 or 1
Specify whether to use the virtual IP address as the source address for external communication IP traffic to the same subnet.
  • 0 – Do not use
  • 1 – Use
[—restoremode <str>] Specify Enabled or Disabled.
Enable/disable restoration and recovery for IP resources.
  • Enabled – Enable restoration and recovery.
  • Disabled – Disable restoration and recovery.


See the Installation section of the MySQL Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create mysql

Option Default Description
--cnf <str> Absolute path of the MySQL configuration file.
--bin <str> Absolute path of the directory where the MySQL executable binary is located.
[--instance <str>] None MySQL instance number you want to protect.
If you are using MySQL on a single instance, do not specify this number.

extend mysql

Option Default Description
[--bin <str>] Absolute path of the directory where the MySQL executable binary is located on the node to which the node is extended.

config mysql

No options.


See the Configuration section of the NFS Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create nfs

Option Default Description
--export <str> Export point for the NFS file system.
--ip <str> Tag name of the IP resource corresponding to the virtual IP address used by the client to access the NFS file system.

extend nfs

No options.

config nfs

No options.


See the Configuring LifeKeeper section of the Oracle Recovery Kit for more details.

create oracle

Option Default Description
--sid <str> ORACLE_SID of the database.
[--listener <str>] None The tag name of the Oracle Listener resource that is included depending on the Oracle resource.
[--user <str>] None Oracle database username.
[--password <str>] None Oracle database user password.

extend oracle

No options.

config oracle

Option Default Description
--user <str> Oracle database username.
--password <str> Oracle database user password.
--role <str> User role.
Specify sysdba or sysoper.


See the Creating a Shared Oracle Listener for Multiple Resources section of the Oracle Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create listener

Option Default Description
--exe <str> Execution path of the Listener.
--config <str> Path of the execution setting file of the Listener.
--protection <str> Protection level of the Listener:
  • Full – Start, stop, monitor and recover
  • Intermediate – Start, monitor and recover
  • Minimal – Only start and monitor
--recovery <str> Recovery level of the Listener:
  • Standard – Enable the standard LifeKeeper recovery. When all listeners fail locally, perform failover to a valid backup server if necessary.
  • Optional – Enable option LifeKeeper recovery. Even when all listeners fail locally, failover to a valid backup server will not be performed.
[--user <str>] None System usename.
Specify a system user that has permission to start, stop, monitor and recover the Listener.
[--listener <str>] LISTENER The name of the Oracle Listener to protect.
[--iptag <str>] None The tag name of the IP resource that is protected as a dependency on this resource hierarchy.

extend listener

Option Default Description
[--exe <str>] Source system exe value. Execution path of the Listener.
[--config <str>] Source system config value. Path of the execution setting file of the Listener.

config listener

Option Default Description
--type <str> The item name to change. Options vary depending on the item.
  • ProtectionLevel – Protection level of the Listener.
  • RecoveryLevel – Recovery level of the Listener.
  • Listener – The name of the Oracle Listener to protect.

--type ProtectionLevel

Option Default Description
--value <str> Same as the protection option of create.

--type RecoveryLevel

Option Default Description
--value <str> Same as the recovery option of create.

--type Listener

Option Default Description
--value <str> Name of the Oracle Listener to protect.
[--iptag <str>] None The tag name of the IP resource that is protected as a dependency.


See the Configuring a Pluggable Database with Oracle Multitenant section of the Oracle Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create pdb

Option Default Description
--sid <str> ORACLE_SID of the database
--pdb <str> PDB list to protect (multiple designations are specified separated by comma)

extend pdb

No options.

config pdb

Option Default Description
--pdb <str> PDB list to protect (multiple designations are specified separated by comma)


See the Installation section of the PostgreSQL Recovery Kit for more details.

create pgsql

Option Default Description
--datadir <str> Absolute path of the directory where the database data is located.
--port <num> Port number used by PostgreSQL.
--socket <str> The path of the socket used by PostgreSQL.
--dbuser <str> Username used by PostgreSQL.
--logfile <str> Absolute path where the logs are output.
[--exepath <str>] /usr/bin Absolute path of the directory where the executable is located.
[--clientexe <str>] <exepath>/psql Absolute path of the executable “psql”.
[--adminexe <str>] <exepath>/pg_ctl Absolute path of the executable “pg_ctl”.

extend pgsql

Option Default Description
[--exepath <str>] Source system exepath. Absolute path of the directory where the executable file is located on the node to which the resource is extended. If not specified, the setting of the extension origin is inherited.

config pgsql

Option Default Description
[--dbuser <str>] None Username used by PostgreSQL.


See Creating a Postfix Resource Hierarchy and Extending a Postfix Resource Hierarchy for more information.

create postfix

Option Default Description
[--binary <binary location>] /usr/sbin The directory where the postfix command of postfix is located.
[--config <config file location>] /etc/postfix The directory where the setting file ( of postfix is located.

extend postfix

No options.


See the Quick Service Protection (QSP) Recovery Kit for more details.

create qsp

Option Default Description
--service <str> Name of the service to protect.
[--quickCheck <str>] enable Enable/disable the monitoring function.
Specify “enable” to enable and “disable” to disable the monitoring.

extend qsp

No options.

config qsp

Option Default Description
[--quickCheck <str>] None Enable/disable monitoring.
Specify “enable” or “disable”.
[--timeout_restore <num>] None Number of seconds for restore timeout. When 0 is specified, timeout does not occur.
[--timeout_remove <num>] None Number of seconds for remove timeout. When 0 is specified, timeout does not occur.
[--timeout_quickcheck <num>] None Number of seconds for quickCheck timeout. When 0 is specified, timeout does not occur.
[--timeout_recover <num>] None Number of seconds for recover timeout.


See Creating a Raw Device Resource Hierarchy and Extending a Raw Device Resource Hierarchy for more details.

create raw

Option Default Description
--partition <str> Raw device partition.

extend raw

No options.


See the Configuration section of the Route53 Recovery Kit for more details.

create route53

Option Default Description
--domain <str> Domain name that exists in the Route53 to protect.
--hostname <str> Name of the host to protect.
--ip_resource <str> Tag name of the IP resource created in advance.

extend route53

No options.

config route53

No options.


See Creating a Samba Resource Hierarchy or Extending Your Samba Resource Hierarchy for more details.

create samba

Option Default Description
[--config <config file name>] /etc/samba/smb.conf Absolute path of the Samba configuration file.

extend samba

No options.


See the Configuration section of the SAP Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create sap

Option Default Description
--sid <str> SID for the SAP installation.
--instance <str> SAP instance (e.g., ASCS10).
[--protection_level <FULL|STANDARD|BASIC|MINIMUM>] FULL Protection Level for the protected SAP resource.
[--recovery_level <FULL|REMOTE|LOCAL|OFF>] FULL Recovery Level for the protected SAP resource.
[--ip <str>] LifeKeeper IP resource tag protecting the virtual IP for the given SAP instance. The IP resource must be in-service on the server where the SAP resource is being created. A comma-separated list of IP resource tags is allowed for this parameter. The IP resources specified by this argument will become child resources of the SAP resource.
[--dependent_fs <str>] A comma-separated list of LifeKeeper resource tag(s) for the file system (gen:filesys) or NFS (gen:nfs) resource(s) protecting the file system(s) associated to the given SAP instance. (e.g., /sapmnt,/usr/sap/SID/ASCS10). All given resources must be in-service on the server where the SAP resource is being created. The file system and/or NFS resources specified by this argument will become child resources of the SAP resource. Note: This parameter cannot be used in conjunction with the --automate_fs_creation parameter.
[--dependent_cs <str>] LifeKeeper SAP resource tag for a central services resource (e.g., ASCS10) to be added as a child of the SAP resource being created. The given central services resource must be in-service on the server where the SAP resource is being created. Note: This parameter may be applicable when creating a resource to protect a PAS instance. See the “Create the Primary Application Server Resource” section of Creating an SAP Resource Hierarchy for more information.
[--automate_fs_creation] During SAP resource creation, LifeKeeper will scan the existing SAP directory structures and attempt to automatically create appropriate LifeKeeper resources to protect any shared file system mounts that it finds. Any resources that are created during this process will become children of the SAP resource. Inspect the resulting hierarchy for accuracy once the process completes. Notes: Replicated file system hierarchies cannot be created automatically by this process. This parameter cannot be used in conjunction with the --dependent_fs parameter.

extend sap

No options.

config sap

Option Default Description
[--protection_level <FULL|STANDARD|BASIC|MINIMUM>] Update the Protection Level for the protected SAP resource. This command must be run on the server where the SAP resource is currently in-service.
[--recovery_level <FULL|REMOTE|LOCAL|OFF>] Update the Recovery Level for the protected SAP resource. This command must be run on the server where the SAP resource is currently in-service.
[--sshcc_action <start|stop|migrate[:<node>]|maintenance:<enable|disable|check>>] Perform an SAP SIOS HA Cluster Connector (SSHCC) action. This command must be run on the server where the SAP resource is currently in-service. The possible values of this parameter are:

start – Bring the SAP resource in-service via the HA cluster connector.

stop – Take the SAP resource out-of-service via the HA cluster connector.

migrate[:<node>] – Migrate the SAP resource to a different server. Optionally, a target migration server may be provided by adding “:<hostname>” to the migrate parameter (e.g., lkcli resource config sap --tag SAP-SID_ASCS10 --sshcc_action migrate:node2). If no target migration server is explicitly provided, the HA cluster connector will attempt to determine the best target server based on current cluster conditions.

maintenance:<enable|disable|check> – Enable, disable, or check the status of SAP Maintenance Mode for the hierarchy containing the given SAP resource.


See the Configuration section of the SAP HANA Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create hana

Option Default Description
--sid <str> SID for the SAP HANA installation.
--instance <str> SAP HANA instance (e.g., HDB00).
[--ip <str>] LifeKeeper IP resource tag protecting the virtual IP for the SAP HANA database. The IP resource must be in-service on the server where the SAP HANA resource is being created.
[--set_local_recovery_policy <enable|disable>] enable This parameter may be used to enable or disable local recovery for the SAP HANA resource on the server where it is being created.

extend hana

Option Default Description
[--set_local_recovery_policy <enable|disable>] enable This parameter may be used to enable or disable local recovery for the SAP HANA resource on the server where it is being extended.

config hana

Option Default Description
[--stop_all_dbs] Stop the SAP HANA database on all cluster nodes (e.g., for maintenance). This command must be run on the cluster node where the HANA resource is currently in-service.
[--takeover_with_handshake <target server>] Local server Perform a “takeover with handshake” of the SAP HANA database on the given target server. This is a feature of SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04 and later which reduces downtime of the primary database during switchover by suspending (rather than completely stopping) the primary database before performing a takeover of SAP HANA System Replication on the new database host.
[--set_local_recovery_policy <enable|disable>] This parameter may be used to enable or disable local recovery for the SAP HANA resource on the local server.


See the Configuration section of the SAP MaxDB Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create sapdb

Option Default Description
[--prog <str>] Path found in /etc/opt/sdb The SAP MaxDB Program Path. You may type in another directory path. The valid characters allowed for the pathname are letters, digits and the following special characters: – _ . /
[--sid <str>] The first instance found that is not already configured. The SAP MaxDB instance ID.
[--user <str>] User found in /etc/opt/sdb This is the system user that owns or has permission to execute SAP MaxDB commands. This user must already exist on the template server.
[--xuser <str>] The first XUSER key configured. The XUSER key is used to store database user data for use with SAP MaxDB Tools. The XUSER key must already be configured on the corresponding server for the system user and database instance combination.

extend sapdb

Option Default Description
[--prog <str>] Path found in /etc/opt/sdb on the target. The SAP MaxDB Program Path. You may type in another directory path. The valid characters allowed for the pathname are letters, digits and the following special characters: – _ . /
[--user <str>] User defined for this instance on the template server. This is the system user that owns or has permission to execute SAP MaxDB commands on the target server. This user must already exist on the target server.
[--xuser <str>] XUSER key for this instance on the template server. The XUSER key is used to store database user data for use with SAP MaxDB Tools. The XUSER key must already be configured on the target server for the system user and database instance combination.

config sapdb

No options.


See the Install section of the Sybase ASE Recovery Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create sybase

Option Default Description
--basedir <str> Sybase installation directory.
--datadir <str> Sybase instance data directory.
--instance <str> Database instance.
--user <str> Database user.
*If not specified, try to access and operate the database as the sa user.
--password <str> Database user password.
--backup <str> none Backup server.

extend sybase

No options.

config sybase

Option Default Description
--user <str> Database user.
--password <str> Database user password.
--backup <str> Current value Backup server.
--monitor <str> Current value Monitor server.

WebSphere MQ

See the Configuration section of the WebSphere MQ Kit Administration Guide for more details.

create mq

Option Default Description
--qmgr <str> Name of the queue manager.
[--protect_listener <YES|NO>] YES Whether to protect the MQ listener associated with the queue manager.
[--channel <str>] SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Connection channel for the queue manager.
[--ip <str>] LifeKeeper IP resource tag protecting the listener IP address. The IP resource must be in-service on the server where the MQ resource is being created. The IP resource specified by this argument will become a child resource of the MQ resource.

extend mq

No options.

config mq

See Editing MQ Resource Configuration Properties for more details.

Option Default Description
[--protect_listener <YES|NO>] Whether to protect the MQ listener associated with the queue manager. This parameter may only be changed on the server where the MQ resource is in-service (ISP).
[--test_queue <str>] The name of the test queue for the LifeKeeper MQ Recovery Kit to use when performing PUT/GET health checks. The value may be set to an empty string (i.e., --test_queue “”) to disable PUT/GET tests.
[--log_level <ERROR|INFORMATIONAL|DEBUG|FINE>] The logging level for the MQ resource.
[--immediate_stop_timeout <str>] The timeout value (in seconds) to be used when attempting an immediate stop of the queue manager.
[--preemptive_stop_timeout <str>] The timeout value (in seconds) to be used when attempting a preemptive stop of the queue manager.
[--channel <str>] The connection channel for the queue manager. This parameter may only be changed on the server where the MQ resource is in-service (ISP).
[--cmd_server_protection <Full|Minimal>] The protection level for the MQ command server.


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