lvmvg resource restore sometimes fails with active error code “5” on RHEL8

lvmetad service is disabled during LifeKeeper installation to ensure that it always gets the latest devices. However, this mechanism no longer works in RHEL8 as lvmetad has been removed. lvmvg resources sometimes fail with active error code “5”.

Workaround: Perform pvscan --cache, then restore lvmvg resources.
Important reminder about DataKeeper for Linux asynchronous mode in an LVM over DataKeepr configuration

Kernel panics may occur in configurations were LVM resources sit above multiple asynchronous mirrors. In these configurations data consistency may be an issue if a panic occurs. Therefore the required configurations are a single DataKeeper mirror or multiple synchronous DataKeeper mirrors.
Use of lkID incompatible with LVM overwritten on entire disk

When lkID is used to generate unique disk IDs on disks that are configured as LVM physical volumes, there is a conflict in the locations in which the lkID and LVM information is stored on the disk. This causes either the lkID or LVM information to be overwritten depending on the order in which lkID and pvcreate are used.

Workaround: When it is necessary to use lkID in conjunction with LVM, partition the disk and use the disk partition(s) as the LVM physical volume(s) rather than the entire disk.


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