Configure the following settings on the cluster node (primary).

  1. Execute the following command as an oracle user:

  1. Database operation. Select Create Database and click Next.
  1. Creation Mode. Select Advanced Mode and click Next.
  1. Database Template. Select General Purpose or Transaction Processing and click Next.
  1. Database Identification. Set the database name and SID as follows:
    Global Database Name=lkoracle
  1. Management Options. Use the default value and click Next.
  1. Database Credentials. Select Use the Same Administrative Password for All Accounts to register the password.
  1. Network Configuration. Since the Listener has been created, use the default value and click Next.
  1. Storage Locations. Use the default value and click Next.
  1. Database Options. Use the default value and click Next.
  1. Initialize Parameters. Use the default value and click Next.
  1. Creation Options. Use the default value and click Next.
  1. If the settings are correct, click Finish to start creating the database.
  1. The database is created.
  1. Next, modify /etc/oratab. Note that this setting will be undone in a later step.

  1. Copy /etc/oratab from the primary node to the secondary node.

The installation of Oracle DB is now completed.

*Installation of Oracle DB on the secondary node is not necessary.


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