The active (ISP) resource can have the following states. Some of these warning and failure states are transient and may appear while LifeKeeper is attempting to recover required processes or before LifeKeeper initiates a failover of the HANA resource hierarchy.
Active | Active | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running properly. (State Name: ISP) | |
Active – sapstartsrv Failure | Sapstartsrv is not running, HDB status unknown | Sapstartsrv is not running. The HDB instance status is unknown since sapstartsrv is used to check the status of HDB. (State Name: ISPSapStartSrvNotRunning) | |
Active – HSR Disabled | HSR is running in replication mode ‘none’ | Sapstartsrv and HDB instance are running properly. The replication mode is ‘none’, indicating that SAP HANA Replication is disabled. (State Name: ISPHSRDisabled) | |
Active – HDB Stopped | Sapstartsrv is running, HDB is not running properly | Sapstartsrv is running. The HDB instance is not running properly. (State Name: ISPHDBNotRunning) | |
Active – Secondary | HSR is running in a secondary replication mode | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running properly but the active node is registered as a secondary replication site. In normal operation, the active node is expected to be the primary replication site. (State Name: ISPSecondary) | |
Active – Unknown Repl Mode | Replication mode cannot be determined | Sapstartsrv and HDB instance are running properly. The replication mode cannot be determined using ‘hdbnsutil -sr_state’ or it returns an unsupported mode. (State Name: ISPUnknownReplMode) | |
Active – Suspended | Database is primary and suspended | The database is suspended on the server where the SAP HANA resource is currently in-service. This is an unexpected state, and typically occurs when a user has performed a “takeover with handshake” outside of LifeKeeper. (State Name: ISPSuspended) | |
The state shown in the GUI for the standby (OSU) resource is affected by the active (ISP) resource restore and quickCheck processes. The standby resource can take several minutes to get into its final state during the in-service operation, during which transient intermediate resource states may appear. This is normal and expected operation for SAP HANA resources. Some of the warning and failure states shown below are transient and may appear while LifeKeeper is attempting to recover required processes or re-register the standby server as a secondary replication site. If the SAP HANA database cannot be successfully started or registered as a secondary replication site on the backup server, the resource state on the backup server will transition to Failed (OSF). The standby resource can have the following states:
Standby | No cluster HANA resource ISP, HDB is not running | This is the normal status for a resource that is out-of-service when an equivalent resource is not in-service on another node. (State Name: OSUStopped) | |
Standby – HDB Running | HDB is running, HSR monitoring inactive | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running on the standby (OSU) node. There is either no active (ISP) node, or quickCheck has not determined the HSR status on the active node. (State Name: OSUHDBRunning) | |
Standby – In Sync | HSR active and in-sync | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running with HSR configured and reporting in-sync. (State Name: SecondaryActive) | |
Standby – sapstartsrv Failure | sapstartsrv is not running, HDB status unknown | Sapstartsrv is not running. There is an active (ISP) node. The HDB instance status is unknown since sapstartsrv is used to check the status of HDB. (State Name: OSUSapStartSrvNotRunning) | |
Standby – Unknown Repl. Mode | Replication mode cannot be determined | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. The replication mode cannot be determined using ‘hdbnsutil -sr_state‘. (State Name: OSUUnknownReplMode) | |
Standby – HSR Disabled | Replication mode is ‘none’ | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. Either the replication mode is ‘none’ according to ‘hdbnsutil -sr_state‘, or the HANA utility returned ‘10’. (State Name: OSUHSRDisabled) | |
Standby – HSR Error | Active node HSR reports error (11) | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. The HANA utility returned ‘11’ . (State Name: OSUHSRError) | |
Standby – Initializing | HSR Initializing | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. HANA utility returned ‘13’ . (State Name: SecondaryInitializing) | |
Standby – Syncing | HSR Synchronizing | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. The HANA utility returned ‘14’ . (State Name: SecondarySyncing) | |
Standby – HDB Stopped | HANA resource ISP in cluster, HDB is not running | Sapstartsrv is running. The HDB instance is not running. There is an active (ISP) node. (State Name: OSUHDBNotRunning) | |
Standby – Primary | HSR is running in replication mode ‘Primary’ | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running properly, but the standby node is registered as a primary replication site. In normal operation, the standby node is expected to be a secondary replication site. (State Name: OSUPrimary) | |
Standby – Unknown HSR Status | Active node HSR reports error (12) | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. The HANA utility returned ‘12’ . (State Name: SecondaryUnknownHSRStatus) | |
Standby – Unexpected HSR state | HSR status from ISP node not in expected range 10 – 15 | Sapstartsrv and the HDB instance are running. There is an active (ISP) node. The HANA utility returned a value that was not in the expected range of 10 to 15 . (State Name: OSUUnexpectedHSRState) | |
Standby – Suspended | Database is primary and suspended | The database is suspended on a server where the SAP HANA resource is currently out of service. This is an expected transient state which typically appears during the “takeover with handshake” process while the suspended database is being stopped and re-registered as a secondary replication site. (State Name: OSUSuspended) | |
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