For ease of installation, SIOS has provided the LifeKeeper for Linux with an installation script. Towards the end of the script, the desired Application Recovery Kits (ARKs) should be selected for installation. The software will be installed to the following locations:

Perform the following actions on both Primary and Secondary server.

Download Software

  1. Open the LifeKeeper for Linux evaluation email you received from SIOS.
  1. Download the LifeKeeper for Linux Software from the link provided in your email. It is generally easiest to use “wget” to recursively download all files. Example:

a. # cd /root

b. # wget -r <URL>

c. After you have successfully downloaded the software you will have downloaded contents similar to the follow directory listing:

[root@LinuxPrimary ~]# ls -l <directory> total 63680

-rw-r—r— 1 root root 23163 May 30 14:03 EULA.pdf

-rw-r—r— 1 root root 536 May 30 14:03 readme.txt

-rw-r—r— 1 root root 65179648 May 30 14:03 sps.img

  1. Download your Evaluation license key from the link specified in your evaluation email. Save the license file to an easy to remember location on both servers.

Run the LifeKeeper Installer Script

  1. Loopback mount the sps.img file previously downloaded, which is an ISO9660 image file. Run the “setup” script inside:

a. # mount -o loop sps.img /mnt

b. # cd /mnt

c. # ./setup

  1. During this procedure, you will hit Enter in most cases to accept default values and continue to the next screen. Note the following exceptions:

a. On the screen titled “High AvailabilityNFS” you may select “n” as in this particular eval guide we will not be creating a highly available NFS server cluster configuration.

b. If you have plans to create a highly available NFS service, adjust your response accordingly.

  1. Towards the end of the setup script, you can choose to install a trial license key now, or later. We will install the license key in the next step, so you can safely select “n” at this point.
  1. In the final screen of the “setup” select the DataKeeper from the list displayed on the screen.
  1. The following RPMs should be be installed:

a. steeleye-lkSQL-<version>.noarch.rpm

b. steeleye-lkDR-<version>.noarch.rpm

  1. Un-mount the Distribution Enabling disk image:

a. # cd /root

b. # umount /mnt

Install the Evaluation License Keys

The last phase of the setup process installs the licensing keys. You must install the evaluation license key file (“.lic”) that you downloaded with your evaluation software before starting the LifeKeeper for Linux.

  1. To install your trial license key, run the “lkkeyins” command on both Primary and Secondary Server. This command is located at /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkkeyins . Example:

 # /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkkeyins <path_to_license/<filename>.lic

  1. Validate your license keys were installed via the /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lklicmgr command

 # /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lklicmgr
License File: 20101230.lic

LifeKeeper for Linux Eval 27 Mar 2013 (87 days)
SIOS Data Replication ARK Eval 27 Mar 2013 (87 days)
MySQL Recovery Kit Eval 27 Mar 2013 (87 days)

Start the LifeKeeper for Linux

  1. Start

 # /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkstart


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